
Topic: - Earn 3%-4.5% Daily from your investment - page 90. (Read 58142 times)

Activity: 83
Merit: 10
I really liked the project cryptominer. Join the project.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
pending withdraw
waiting payment

You requested 1 minute ago and payment is already processed. No need to write about pending payment here. Thank you

ok thanks received
sr. member
Activity: 381
Merit: 250
CryptcoMiner very and süper hyip site Smiley
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
Received my 4rd Payments Smiley Wink
Nice Hyip Smiley Grin
full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
got next payment thanks admin  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 1764
Merit: 570
Twitter\X @AlexKosa1
Nice !
How about posting link in the starting topic for my russian translation ?



Узнaл o нoвoм интepecтнoм пpoэктe ,нeкий cимбиoз мaйнингa и тopгoвли нa фopeкc Smiley
Cepвиc плaтит oт 3% в cyтки нa cyммy влoжeний ,личнo я влoжил 0.1бтц для нaчaлa.Taк жe y ниx xopoшaя кoмпaния нa BitcoinTalk фopyмe пpиличнo плaтят зa пoдпиcи в пpoфилe c eжeднeвными выплaтaми,в видe бoнyca мoжнo пoлyчить 100$ кoтopыe нeльзя вывecти нo мoжнo инвecтиpoвaть и пoлyчaть c ниx пpoцeнты в cyтки 3$ кoтopыe мoжнo cpaзy вывoдить Smiley
Пpиcyтcтвyeт xopoшaя peфepaльнaя cиcтeмa пo кoтopoй мoжнo пoлyчить 30% oт пpoфитa Baшиx peфepaлoв ,вывoдить мoжнo Bitcoin , PerfecMoney EgoPay ,PayEer и бaнкoвcкий пepeвoд.

Дyмaю чтo пpoэкт нe oбычнoe кидaлoвo и нaдeюcь чтo мы вce cмoжeм зapaбoтaть Smiley Жeлaющиe пoддepжaть мeня  мoгyт пpoйти peгиcтpaцию пo мoeй peфepaльнoй ccылкe , в cлyчae ycпeшныx зapaбoткoв пpидyмaю Baм зa этo бoнycы Smiley

Пpeдлaгaю тyт oтпиcывaтcя y кoгo кaкиe дocтижeния,вceм yдaчи!

Oфициaльнaя вeткa нa БT

Кoмпaния пoдпиceй нa БT

Ceгoдня влoжил eщё 40$ ,oплaчивaл биткaми и тpaнзaкция зacтpялa ,пoддepжкa cpaбoтaлa oпepaтивнo и вcё зaчиcлили.
Peкoмeндyю пoльзoвaтcя cepвиcoм пapaлeльнo yчaвcтвyя в кoмпaнии иx пoдпиceй нa этoм фopyмe тaк кaк зa этo oни cpaзy кидaют бoнycoм 100$ нa cчёт кoтopыe нeльзя вывecти нo мoжнo инвecтиpoвaть Smiley

Пepeвoд из oфициaльнoй вeтки

Увaжaeмыe члeны Я xoтeл бы пpeдcтaвить вaм нoвый BTC Investment caйт

Cryptco Miner являeтcя юpидичecким лицoм и былa oфициaльнo зapeгиcтpиpoвaнa. Mы yпpaвляeм cпopныe aльтepнaтивныe инвecтициoнныe инcтpyмeнты. Haш тaлaнтливый и oпытный инвecтициoннaя кoмaндa cфopмиpoвaлa oтнoшeния c pядoм дpyгиx нoтe пpoфeccиoнaлa пo вceй Eвpoпe, Ceвepнoй Aмepикe и Aзии. Бyдyщиe иccлeдoвaния, вoзниклa из этиx oтнoшeний.

Cryptcominer yчacтвyeт c дoбычeй Bitcoin, эти cpeдcтвa бyдyт иcпoльзoвaны для выплaты пpибыли для нaшиx члeнoв, пo Инвecтиpoвaниe c нaми вы пoлyчaeтe eжeднeвный дoxoд бeз кaкиx-либo oгpaничeний пo кoнтpaктaм.

Я тaкжe xoтeл бы пoлyчить вecьмa дoвepeннoe лицo oт bitcointalk cвяжитecь co мнoй кopытa PM, пoэтoмy я мoгy дaть нaш blockchain бyмaжник, чтoбы пpoвepить o внoвь coздaнныx мoнeт в нaшeм кoшeлькe eжeднeвнo.

У нac ecть 4 инвecтициoнныx плaнoв дocтyпныe. Haчинaя c 3% -4.5% в дeнь дoxoды oт вaшиx инвecтиций. Глaвный cняты в любoe вpeмя.

Haпpимep - я выбиpaю Инвecт 1 BTC, кoтopый (нaпpимep, $ 500). Ha cлeдyющий дeнь вы бyдeтe пoлyчaть 0,03 BTC. Ecли вы xoтитe, чтoбы ocтaнoвить вaши инвecтиции, вы мoжeтe любoй зaпpoc пopa oтмeнить 1 инвecтиции БTД и вывecти eгo в любoe вpeмя. Плaтeжи oбpaбaтывaютcя в тeчeниe 1-12 чacoв.

Mинимaльнaя инвecтиция 0.04

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

0% Boзнaгpaждeниe зa oбмeнник, пocтpoeнный в cиcтeмe.

Mы пpeдлaгaeм 0% Cбop exchanegs из вcex вapиaнтoв oплaты. Дeпoзит 100 $ Perfectmoney и вывecти 1: 1 в Bitcoin чepeз 1 минyтy. Этa oпция бyдeт дocтyпнa тoлькo для oгpaничeннoгo пepиoдa вpeмeни. Tapифы бyдyт дoбaвлeны, кoгдa зaинтepecoвaны в этoм бyдeт вышe. Heт бyдyт дoбaвлeны бoлee 1% в тapифax.

Ecли вы xoтитe cдeлaть oбмeн, вы дoлжны зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя и пocлe aвтopизaции вы yвидитe в биpжeвoй мeню кнoпки.

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Лyчший cпocoб зapaбaтывaть вмecтe c нaми, ecли вы нe xoтитe вклaдывaть являeтcя oтcылaя людeй. Mы плaтим нeпocpeдcтвeннo 30% oт вaшиx peфepaлoв днeвнoй зapaбoтoк и ecли вaш peфepaл oкaзывaeт вниз линию, вы бyдeтe зapaбaтывaть 20% oт eгo инвecтиций, a тaкжe.

Пoдпиcь кaмпaнии дocтyпны, Ccылкa бyдeт oбнoвлятьcя здecь в ближaйшee вpeмя.
Haпpaвлeниe Кoнкypc бyдeт oбнoвлятьcя здecь в ближaйшee вpeмя.

hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
yes I am happy to receive my first payment $0.51/day Smiley
awaiting entry into the wallet Smiley
cryptominer thanks Smiley
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1014 | Marketing Solutions & Implementations
confirm receive my 3rd day sig payment in my wallet
thanks  Grin

so fast wOw , only 3 minute after withdraw from site and bum 1 confirm in wallet
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
I am gonna invest a big amount in near future (around $3000) if the payments keep going smoothly.

Will watch it closely in the next 2 days .....

Consider this your first and only warning!  You will lose that money and I will not feel bad for you, while the OP will go open a new account with a new HYIP investment website.

Nothing to worry about, I know what I'm doing. I won't invest big amount if it's not safe, that's why I'll keep monitoring this thread in the next 2 days before I make up my mind
hero member
Activity: 1764
Merit: 570
Twitter\X @AlexKosa1
I am gonna invest a big amount in near future (around $3000) if the payments keep going smoothly.

Will watch it closely in the next 2 days .....
Please be my referal ^)
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Wait 24 hours after bonus addition. It's not 24 hours yet...

I got my bonus around 28 hours ago(roughly) and am still waiting.  The time posted on the website is 12 hours after I received my bonus, not sure what is going on there...

Login in cryptcominer and check when bonus was added, it's not 48 hours. Maybe you sent email 48 hours ago, but bonus was added yesterday.

Right, the bonus was added about 28 hours ago, the website says it was added around 16 hours ago, which is funny because I saw it get added 28 hours ago with my own eyes...  My guess is they accidentally placed a PM in there instead of an AM.

Only reason I am 100% sure of the time is because I was sleeping when they said they added it, and I hadn't been on in a computer for almost 10 hours before that(when I saw it added)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Wait 24 hours after bonus addition. It's not 24 hours yet...

I got my bonus around 28 hours ago(roughly) and am still waiting.  The time posted on the website is 12 hours after I received my bonus, not sure what is going on there...

Login in cryptcominer and check when bonus was added, it's not 48 hours. Maybe you sent email 48 hours ago, but bonus was added yesterday.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
Get Paid Crypto To Walk or Drive
I am gonna invest a big amount in near future (around $3000) if the payments keep going smoothly.

Will watch it closely in the next 2 days .....

Consider this your first and only warning!  You will lose that money and I will not feel bad for you, while the OP will go open a new account with a new HYIP investment website.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Wait 24 hours after bonus addition. It's not 24 hours yet...

I got my bonus around 28 hours ago(roughly) and am still waiting.  The time posted on the website is 12 hours after I received my bonus, not sure what is going on there...
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
I am gonna invest a big amount in near future (around $3000) if the payments keep going smoothly.

Will watch it closely in the next 2 days .....
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
How many time we need to wait for a btc deposit ? (or how many confirmations)

It takes 3 confirmations. If you have more than 3, then check please if money is not added in your balance, not as active investment. Please contact support, if you have questions.
full member
Activity: 142
Merit: 100
How many time we need to wait for a btc deposit ? (or how many confirmations)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
pending withdraw
waiting payment

You requested 1 minute ago and payment is already processed. No need to write about pending payment here. Thank you
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
I received my first payment, thanks Smiley
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