How to compose your (Full) Title
It seems that this matter needs to be revisited often since it is not that common for any of us to need to do this in the outside world
Great privileges and punishments promised in the end of post.
1. Title can be made up of anything that describes the person, and is not restricted to the things below.
2. Title might include:
- Address honorific ("HE" or similar)
- Main attributes ("TMA" = The Most Ancient, "The Blessed" etc)
- Main title (often based on level)
- Name (Christian name or most senior domain name)
- Duchies
- Principalities, Marquessates and Counties (in this order)
- Viscounties
- Baronetcies
- (Functional or honorary) Titles
- Membership in Chivalric Orders
- Free text
- Honors
- Medals
- (Alternative free text)
- (Attributes)
- Badges
3. There is no single authoritative Title for a person. Good style dictates that the Title of high people is longer than that of low people, while omitting things that the lower people would include. The use of "etc" (up to 3 possible), indicates that the title is shortened while remaining Title (
Shortname and
Full name do not change, do not have etc's, and are typically unique - for instance "HM The King" is a Full name for the said person, and anything else is therefore his Title.)
4. Typical name-title cognates for different levels (the current number of characters in the level is in parentheses before):
(?) L1-L5 (no title, may use level title or job title, if fancy, it's good to indicate level after name eg. "L5")
(?) L6 Master/Mistress precedes name
(1) L7 Wizard (or custom title such as "Naturalist") precedes name
(1) L8 Dr. precedes name
(2) L9 custom title
(0) L10 Jungherr/-frau precedes name
(8 ) L11 Knight/Dame preceding name
(0) L12 Sir X, the xx/y Bt of CK
(16) L13 Lord X
(10) L14 Sir X, the Earl of Y
(6) L15 The Marquess of Y
(4) L16 HE The Prince of Y / HE Prince X of Y
(4) L17 HH The Duke of Y / HH of Y (omitting both name and level but both may also be used)
(2) L18-L20 custom title
5. Sir/Dame is a proper address for all nobility except Jungherrn. "Lord" is historically used by Barons to differentiate them from Knights. Barons have no county to identify with. Landed Earls typically revert back to Sir or use the county name. Normally only Marquess is high enough to be called definitively
The Marquess of X (omitting Christian name). Especially Viscount is not a "The" title, since it is not a level. Baronet only if it coincides with level. It is considered classy to revert back to Christian name in very high levels eg. "HRH Archduke Zechariah, The Prince Royal" who used to be called "
The Marquess of Tavastia".
6. Let's practice with Roopatra! one reasonably full composition of this character's Title is as follows:
HE TMA Princess Roopatra of Neverland, TA Viscountess of OZ, 9th/I Btss of CK, Councillor, CEO of RAQ & Unicorn Corp, AOK-C, MG-4, GJB, FBB, TB, KFB, HB
Explained as:
- The address honorific is rare as only 11 characters have it. It always comes first.
- It is possible to add a valid attribute before the name-title. Being ennobled in the Most Ancient era is a classy thing so let's add "TMA" to modify "Princess".
- "Princess Roopatra of Neverland" is a valid cognate of main title, Christian name and principality name. This could as well be expressed in other ways, such as:
* HE TMA Princess of Neverland
* HE TMA Princess Neverland
* HE The [Blessed] Dame Roopatra, TMA Princess of Neverland
- By being the Duke of OZ's financial advisor, it is proper to use the Viscountess of OZ (The fiefholder in the Duchy of OZ (HSH Sir Karl, TMA 1st Duke of OZ) appoints the character, only one of such may exist). Few counties even have a Viscount atm.
- 9th/I Baronetess of CK means that she is the 1st holder of the very prestigious 9th Baronetcy
- "Councillor" is a functional title. Ex-councillors use "Councillor Emeritus/-a"
- Being CEO in companies is definitely a thing worth mention
- AOK-C stands for "Commander in the Ancient Order of the King", the highest chivalric rank held by anyone except the King.
- MG-4 is a medal.
- The rest are badges.
7. Knowing your proper position in CK is very important and for this reason the matter is given so much Royal emphasis. The Quasquibicentennial Jubilee of Crypto Kingdom is approaching! Before that (1625), we would like all the Titles to be in order, furnished by the characters themselves in the MyCharacter /EDIT mode. We use both carrot and stick to achieve the objective:
Everyone who composes his Title will be given more: DOM, CLXII, W1600M and other most precious drinks. In addition, he will be privileged when more levels, fiefs, titles, knighthoods, honors, medals and badges are given. He may be given more Baronetcies once the initial sale is over. He will also join His Majesty's glory in the 225th Jubilee celebrations. And the perks are better the faster you do it! ![Smiley](
Every noble who does not compose his Title in due time, will not be given more: He will be banned from promotions if the previous ones are not accounted for by his own hand in his Title. No one without a current title will inherit fiefs. (For Peerages of Crypto Kingdom, see googleDB/Peerages). Also he will not be invited to the 225th Jubilee. (Commoners in L1-L5 are exempt from the Title requirements and "Master" is enough for L6.)