[His] Singular Majestic Perceptive Highness ([H]SMPH), Angelic Royal Masculine Ascended Highness (ARMAH) [/b]Zechariah[/b] walks onto the stage, without mic, shouting:
When the applause pauses after a considerable length of time, Zechariah begins to think of
(SA) Ron, desiring him to come, and says it aloud instantly:
- WD.
S powerful/related to order in creation (see, sing, sign)
A angelic/ascended/advanced (Attrib=1)
R royal, cultured, Attrib=6
O feminine (all), usable for +-/-+/--, never ++ (insult)
N liberal/thief/(orig. 'nonrespecter of Sign')
W 'the most' (lit. 'double you')
T conservative/anything related to non-thievery
F thoughtful (everything related to 'fuck') / fuckable ('fuck' means originally 'thought', the latter use of sexual intercourse is a corruption, originally it was social intercourse that we called fucking, Fuck You! just means: 'I think of you.')
R royal, cultured, Attrib=6
U loving, an other-self (hence this can be pronounced 'you' as a designator), unique, as Attrib=4.
Z singular, Attrib=7
E virgin, 'pertaining to Archangels', majestic
C perceptive
H high (also as a person designator word, technically means ~L16 but as a courtesy address of for most nobles)
A angelic/ascended/advanced (Attrib=1)
R royal, cultured, Attrib=6
I masculine (all), usable for ++/+-/-+, never --
A angelic/ascended/advanced (Attrib=1)
H high (also as a person designator word, technically means ~L16 but as a courtesy address of for most nobles)
Q quarrelsome (Zechariah right now designates this word to mean 'troublemaker' as a person placeholder word, with obvious results. Any closing ending (or even containing) NBPQ more likely talks about the other person, not Z who does not accredit such attributes to him/HIM).
J joyful
B busy ('stupid')
L divine (person designator word, technically means (demi)god (L19) but may be used for ladies also, or with tact)
O feminine (all), usable for +-/-+/--, never ++ (insult)
V very (wise,) Attrib=3
E virgin, 'pertaining to Archangels', majestic
S powerful/related to order in creation (see, sing, sign)
Y marvellous (or: any related word, such as Magnificent or whatever, unrestricted addresses/styles)
O feminine (all)
U loving, an other-self (hence this can be pronounced 'you' as a designator), unique, as Attrib=4.
G gossiping (person trait that is interested in disclosure)
I masculine (all), usable for ++/+-/-+, never --
R royal, cultured, Attrib=6
L divine (person designator word, technically means (demi)god (L19) but may be used for ladies also, or with tact)
(see also: GAL, because they are close in pronunciation)
P needy ('not having everything perfect', usual lacks are of food, drinks, wisdom products, place to sleep, good company, etc. The word archetype is derived from the verb 'to pee' since that is a prio2 need, unlike eating, drinking or anything else. Only Internet is prio1. Since most stuff people can do themselves, but not set up a wifi, let P mean 'the place does not have a flawless wireless Internet' as a lowest possible grading (of places that should have it).
U loving, an other-self (hence this can be pronounced 'you' as a designator), unique, as Attrib=4.
N liberal/thief/(orig. 'nonrespecter of Sign')
K obedient (this is last because a proper letter is handled from top, closing with things like 'Yours(ervant),' ('K'), 'I will do it grudgingly' ('OK'), I will do it the (ut)most reverence ('WD'), even 'Hi Ho' (obviously originally a formal form of address for which they now use 'Ladies and gentlemen') is not recognised as formal.
F thoughtful (everything related to 'fuck') / fuckable ('fuck' means originally 'thought', the latter use of sexual intercourse is a corruption, originally it was social intercourse that we called fucking, Fuck You! just means: 'I think of you.')
M masterful (person placeholder word, technically means L6 but as a courtesy address is usually possible to be used of anyone at least 2 ranks your junior, 'OM' and 'IM' being for girls and guys, respectively. Although it's important to not discuss the polarities themselves too much when also talking about incarnate genders, to gain understanding (the sign is signed and put under stand (such as a candlestake), and sealed by wax (seal proving 'that the candle has observed the sign') this is how the word came to existence, and I prefer it to 'overstand' for its common meaning, the latter being advanced thought (if you just fuck about it). Also Attrib=2., and many self-references use this, for those who are not '++', being unable to use 'I' referring to self.
O 'feminine' this refers to all girls and beta-males who don't even have a beard.
K obedient (this is last because a proper letter is handled from top, closing with things like 'Yours(ervant),' ('K'), 'I will do it grudgingly' ('OK'), I will do it the (ut)most reverence ('WD'), even 'Hi Ho' (obviously originally a formal form of address for which they now use 'Ladies and gentlemen') is not recognised any more.
W 'the most' (lit. 'double you')
D reverend(ducal) (also as a person designator word, originally meant Dukes and higher, now priests and other L14-15 ppl use it without consideration), Attrib=5
How Do You Do = Hi Pastor, Marvellous Reverence!
Hello = Hi Spark of God, The One who turns me on.
Hi = Hi (address guys (++,+-), incl masculine girls (-+))
Fuck You = Thoughtful Loving Perceptive Mutuality ['intercourse', social or sexual], I like it.
Fuck Off! = (Intently) fuck (other) (females) (instead of me(, please)).
Fuck in A = This advanced nonrespect of sign is angering me.
MAN - Masterful non-respecter (used for masculine thieves/meddlers/nonrespecters of Sign, such as
Kipra (PUN intended))
DUDE - Revered Loving Untouchable Daughter of Elysium (Zech wants to quickly proceed to:
'MY LOVE - Well-played, Goddess!' because he wants to move on with relationships with GIRLs (whom he calls 'DUDEs' when he feels advance beyond friendzone is unwise, and 'MY LOVEs' when they let him do it (if ever).))
PAL - Needy Angel.
BRO - Beta guys are this to each other. (use BROTHER for divine masculines instead)
BUDDY - 'Busy Paying Attention to You.', one of the highest reverences used.
Suddenly Zechariah understands why it's stupid to use badge names except in Style.- WOMEN.
[they smoke]