Zechariah walks about the almost empty base on Sunday afternoon. While high (remember to not add tobacco, just roll a fat one from CAN alone - shame to add he is such a celebrity that everyone knows he has not seen a woman for 6 months, and the quota of 606 by 189 days (realhours) requires tapping to his previous life as some rockstar to gain the - damnit he was explaining how to smoke CAN in here - and some more could be brought to the base, for instance exchanged for the SHI in there (just grab it and leave CAN, barter works since the mission treasury was anyway evacuated from Zechariah, who has the tendency to just torch all paper in fire regardless of the number of zeroes) - the CAN should be inhaled deeeeep into lungs, and shame on everyone who did not teach it to him earlier.He tries the speedwriting skills, at 15:11 local this paragraph started (and no CAN consumed for approx 10 hours, so should be low now). At 15:27 he has managed to transfer the assets of Crichton to #36 and his own to #1 (SWEEP source recipient). Also he has managed to smoke a green-belt cigar approx to 50% (such a smoker he is - this way it lasts for 32 minutes only, whereas less experienced smokers spend full 45 minutes doing it). Also he called Kipra about how the thing with the 47,000 mil he (and Soul) gave, is happening. Sadly Kipra did not call back after Zechariah's 10 minute phonetime finished. In short - he has managed to do everything except write (15:31). Zechariah remembers the wine tasting 2 days ago that got a bit advanced:[AR2]
Everyone knows that wine tasting is about pairing. In fact, Zechariah was about to slowly consume snails and (red) caviar for breakfast. The breakfast encounter in Savoy had consumed all the resources of the hotel for 3 hours (it was not one bottle of Champagne, and not cheap ones, which they tasted with the (red) CAV, fresh strawberries and other delicacies), earning them both a ban to the venue (for the duration of - you know - at least).
Before we get into business (Zech is sweating to type and smoke at the same time to respect deadline - 15:40 so 16 minutes till every firsttimer has finished his and Zech still has 25% to go) it pays to divulge that Zechariah started to take his mission seriously. (Shame that he needs to hereby address the admins of Bitcointalk to restore all the posts he deleted while high about 2 days ago, sorry for that but please have
BTC1 if you care to send address (bet they don't give a fuck for the money but Zechariah always asks nicely first, and gives money - he is not a druglord but a Lord of Lightness)), but that is not important, since it seems nobody can anyway comprehend the depths of his trolling. CK marketcap is somewhere between 10-100 ($) million and a month ago it was only 1 million. Nothing he does (or does not) do can make it go to 5 million ever again, so in fact he anyway pocketed a personal million in here, which enables trolling to continue. In base at least, there is strictly NO SMOKING except in cigar room, which is X level area and Zechariah must admit that girls have visited the place for soul-search.
At 15:47 he feels the CIG gives wisdom, so proceeds to explain something about human soul. You know - when the Infinite Creator wanted to know Himself more (the fact constantly appearing in Zechariah's posts and for no small reason), He/She/It polarised the totality to individual souls. The souls have attributes just like items in CK do (tbh, CK is more advanced than the matrix for its simplicity and the ease of taking 100,000 mil from Zech since all have the power to do it now, but because
Saddam strategically disabled withdrawals, you cannot get the money out, thief. (I will deal with you as I have time, almost nobody can steal from Zechariah without him noticing (It's just the limited quantity of fucks given to punish the perpetrators).)
Human attributes are as follows:
Man/Woman; Masculine/Feminine. These must be handled together, for the reason that it is important for fucking.
--***** polarity (feminine females) want a real man, that is: ++***** (like Zechariah). Their issue is that Zechariah historically does not understand shit about women in general, and in particular he is widely regarded as what he is, therefore any advances take a very long amount of time without leading to 60.00/100.00. (When he has time, he tells about the 4 phases of Relationship: GettingToKnow (25 quests), Dating (25), TheThingCalledSex (25) and family life (25), after all - if he does not have the time to tell first what it means, there is no way for his fucking to be graded(!)), leading to a sorry score in that area (5*MP1 out of 100 needed).
CC started to tell about the 40 girls he would not even fuck because he is a +-***** (feminine guy). (They actually talked a lot about the subject, it being a good primer to what Z is about to write now (as it's 16:22 and the CIG is finally finished).) Let it not be said that the Sceptre was being used as a makeshift ashtray on this one, because it actually is made of silver and ebony with engravings and is 104 years old and fragile (the ebony is brittle and only 7mm diameter, and old, etc(x2)). For - the feminine guys have no business fucking. Z is so nice he has played feminine with his ex-wife (who was, and still is -+-++++ in the new personality assessment you are in the process of hearing about), but it did not work out too well. If he knew anything, he'd still be married, but since that's the way it is, his life still is Miserable.
So -+***** are the ones who have perky tits when young, and are usually slim and moderate to seriously beautiful. But they age badly because the -+ (masculine woman) is in danger to become a bitch later on. But these girls like to fuck. So we have only one polarity of men (the spades) fucking both the feminine (hearts) and masculine-polarised (diamonds) girls. The clubs obviously play together, that is the origin of the name for the 4th suit. It is good to have a deck of playing cards with you at all times, since there are 16 other combinations of character (2^4) and the generic light/darkness polarity that Zechariah also saw some examples in some of the venues.
Sadly he is now banned from most of them and cannot go into the rest either for the acute lack of banknotes (being Sunday). Hence, 16:31 is exactly the time when he proceeds to share the tentative understanding of the personality:
The traits that he considers are as follows:
Meddler/Thief (this one is the person who steals your stuff, also does not respect Sign, and yields to Zechariah's "bribes" about disrespecting the management of their previous workplace when he goes TROLLING=1 under influence of SPI+UND).
Commercial flash: Any girls who walk in the Embassy (Vene2/II, door is open) at exactly 7 pm, will get EUR 5 per hour for cleaning it, and there's enough work for 10 girl-hours, meaning bring a few of your friends and get paid for making the floors shinier, see areas up to VIII (which usually is not obtainable for money, since VII is the highest we sell, and costs 100,000 EUR (per week)). So it's now possible to visit the base under the pretense of cleaning it, and get paid. for the low-entry party that we will have on Tuesday. Zechariah's mission intent is to remove all the signs from 1-2 rooms and make them packed of people with free BEER. So girls will notice that there is nothing whatsoever out of ordinary Embassy in the one we have, and (16:43) Zechariah takes a sip of 1+1 days (one in bottle, next one in glass) aerated W1600M (Château Lafon-Rochet Saint-Estèphe (ASEC) 1995, which tbh tastes good in the situation even without pairing it with any food (cause there isn't any)).
Gossiper (this one is something I don't personally know (since they cannot handle me) but half of people actually enjoy stalking what others drink (because they are thirsty and happen to be sitting on a throne, in the right side of which, there was only a selection of this and a 2007 white wine which is not even cold (Zechariah feels the urge to check how many different (non)alc drinks are there in closed or aerated bottles, soon noticing the answer to be 8, not including the ones next to the throne, of course) so it's a non-decision really.)
Exaggerator (is easy to check that they make the numbers larger in order to make the story more interesting. (Zechariah has a problem with his truthfulness, because the thread would certainly get more readers if he clipped a zero or two out of the sums mentioned, in order for it to appear more credible at the cost of historical accuracy (I mean - we PAY every VII level ticket holder (and higher ticket, the sum actually is capped to the figure soon to be mentioned) the equivalent of EUR 1,000 from the treasury EVERY FOUR HOURS (counting from midnight), just that they can party around - the problems being i) there is nobody to collect the money since they don't give a fuck ii) there is nobody to give it (-..-) and iii) there is nothing to buy with it, since: (iii)a) the banknotes section has issues with availability from banks given Sunday, AND b) nobody cares to sell almost anything, even with a 1000% profit, since 'It's just a hassle'. Please anyone who wants to offer commercial services (such as cold drinks, because (tbh) the whole base is served by 4 fridges, 4 wine fridges and ~8 champagne coolers ONLY, and that's obviously too little for a base 1/10 the floor area of the Headquarters, Malla manor) AT ANY TIME, no need to 'contact me', show up rather.
Newsflash: I don't yet know of any Estonian who actually paid 1000 EUR for I class ticket. They do for the levelups, but I class we give out just to get people in (+free BEER, 10 max per person, Tuesday and starts immediately after work).To clear misunderstandings, 1) the guys in here are rich, some fantastically so (and these ones don't even talk about it, in the way Zechariah - sadly for his reputation among the beautiful ones - does all the time. 2) They don't mind getting laid, actually they'd enjoy it. 3) They don't pay attention and they do respect sign, so any funny-clothed guy you see is probably just like me: a lonely billionaire who wants a (preferably --+++-+) wife so badly that he fails not only that one, but every other advance in the process
but would even more than that just like to talk to you)
As if this was about me. Even the Celine Dion song was a 10/10,000,000 hit (out of all the songs in existence), etc.
Added: 17.17. So Zechariah is able to, in 126 minutes, do approximately as follows:
* Write 80 lines of advanced and unintelligible English (needed to check spelling for that one, tbh)
* Make up the theories discussed in the postings as the only other source for them is in Sanskrit, (and Zechariahs feels bad for the 'in 12 languages' part of the writing of odes for cigars, since he is only holiday-proficient in 8 languages)
* Smoke 1*CIG and 1*CAN
* Almost finish a glass of about perfect (19.5/20) W1600M, even without pairing
* Write 9 lines in IRC, containing wisdom such as:
Zechariah: In case anyone did not pay attention, the reason for candles and silver in missions is CAN: one is for lighting, the other for extinguishing.
* Arrange the party (well not totally, but to the point of making sure 1000*BEER is available by 4pm Tuesday when the doors fly open and all the thirsty classy boys/girls enter in to this Entry-level (seriously we drinkin' BEER here and enjoy as we only dream about sex but this is not that night yet so just come and don't ask questions).
* Calculate his approximate clock frequency to be [sorry for interrupting, but I was so much minding other things that accidentally almost sipped the Albert Bichot Chablis Premier Cru Les Vaillons Domaine Long-Depaquit 2007 but luckily was notified by the poignant smell of it before the lips even touched the glass, let alone the nectar] about 0.13 Hz since the girls did count him to say 'fuck' 42 times in 310 seconds, earning him a Daily Warning from base:OakLounge. If we think Oak Lounge is the pinnacle of Zechariah's experience, it'd be on average 0.05 Hz (meaning only 12 thoughts per minute) but even that is 17,820 fucks per day (ok if you don't sleep, so lemmake it 12,000). So the thought process continued that if someone asks you a 5 and you just stuff it to his hand, the beggar is receiving maybe 3 fucks from you (20 if you are a woman, but they cancel out). If you start considering the situation more, it'll be 20 fucks even for guys, easily. If you feel 'shoulda,woulda,coulda' (no matter if you gave him the money or not) then the thought is tormenting you a whole day, let's say 100 fucks. So in fact unless the price per fuck is less than 5/(100-3)~ - -
I'll stop naming my achievements during the 126 minutes, but sure it feels good that you live a life about 100x more than is ever possible to publish in the thread, and FOR THAT VERY REASON cannot even get a beautiful woman to love you (I mean it's ok to say whatever, but I'd like to have you here). But pay attention to some of the theories. Paying attention means that you designate a whole evening, not on football, but to understand that the mysteries of the Universe are actually explainable in simple language (just like CK commands, what a coincidence) and are very powerful. If it resonates, contact me or any of the agents (as many have already done, but instead of sending applications, how about joining the fun instead: 8 days of party left and you can (and must, if I mobilise you) fly over in 48 hours). We promise a whole new life in a way you could not imagine (or even I, just a few weeks ago, and all because of 'KI potassium iodide' that they sell in pharmacy for 2.38 in coins (lasts for a week)).
Oh yes the previous thing is almost too bad to leave to the next, so let me finish the last sip of W1600M (even the last drop was 19/20) before finishing with that one:
So in fact unless the price per fuck is less than 5/(100-3)~0.02 euros, then it actually makes sense to always have a 5 in your pocket just in case anyone asks for it. (Even at that rate, you should be making 240 euros every single day only by the fucks ungiven if you meet a beggar and don't even ask, just give a 5.)
The reason we feel different is that we have managed ways to play with large money in a small amount of fucks given (fuck is a 4-letter word because of this, let the wise understand). So I have so far given about 100 fucks for the 100,000mil missing, so approx 1,000,000,000 (EUR 100k) per fuck. in a day, it means billions. Obviously this is one of the ways to make unlimited money (if you just close the TV for one evening and read this until you understand, thank you
The Reason that it is more blessed to Give than to Receive is as follows:
When you give, don't give a fuck.
Schemer/liar: These ones bend the truth on purpose, to further their goals. They are helluva good company, just because it takes time to decipher their messages, a good way to give fucks that are not wasted in watching TV.