When you don't play nice with the trading engine strange things happen as described bellow:
- Items get destroyed
- Negative balances
- Money is created
8. It would be easier if there were a command box available without having to open an item.
9. The price in the orders tables should present a unit even if the moneretos are implicit. For the new guys.
10. a) I am able to sell into my bids. When I do it i get deducted of the item sold and get the value for what it was sold. An the item is destroyed:Mybalance: 200,148,306
Owned Items of MEAD : 823
command: sell MEAD 1 200mil
command results: New ask added for 1 units of mead at a limit price of 200000000.
command: buy MEAD 1 200mil
command results: Bought 1 units of mead at 200000000 m/unit, for a total of 200000000m
Mybalance: 400,148,306
Owned Items of MEAD : 822
b) When you command a buy order which spans two or more sell orders the system places a bid for each of the command results with the ammount being the diference between the ammount commanded and the ammount bought and the price of that sell order.
The same thing happens on sell orders into 2 or more buy orders.Ex.1:
command: sell MEAD 22 800
New ask added for 22 units of mead at a limit price of 800.
command: sell MEAD 100 900
New ask added for 100 units of mead at a limit price of 900.
command: buy MEAD 1000 900
Bought 22 units of mead at 800 m/unit, for a total of 17600m.
Bought 100 units of mead at 900 m/unit, for a total of 90000m.
And places 2 BUY orders:
978 MEAD at 900
878 MEAD at 900
buy orders:
15 MEAD at 650 Hokusai
10 MEAD at 625 Roopatra
command:sell MEAD 50 620
Sold 15 units of mead at 650 m/unit, for a total of 9750m. <-
Placed a sell order
35 at 620 Angus
Price Amount Player
625 10 Roopatra
600 15 Hokusai
550 15 Hokusai
500 100 King
500 15 Hokusai
command:sell MEAD 200 500
Sold 15 units of mead at 600 m/unit, for a total of 9000m.
Sold 15 units of mead at 550 m/unit, for a total of 8250m.
Sold 100 units of mead at 500 m/unit, for a total of 50000m.
Sold 15 units of mead at 500 m/unit, for a total of 7500m.
Price Amount Player
625 10 Roopatra
500 10 Roopatra
450 100 King
450 30 Moo
Price Amount Player
500 185 Angus
500 170 Angus
500 70 Angus
500 55 Angus
620 35 Angus
c) There is something wrong with the accounting when the balance is negative:Ex. 1:)
My balance: -161,144,442
Owned Items of NP1600E: 11
command: sell NP1600E 11 60mil
Sold 11 units of np1600e at 60000000 m/unit, for a total of 660000000m.
My balance: -161,165,353
Owned Items of NP1600E: 11
d) The negative balance is related to being able to sell into your own bids:My balance: 100,220,570
Owned Items of NP1600E: 1
command:sell 1 NP1600E 100mil
command:sell 1 NP1600E 100mil
command:sell 1 NP1600E 100mil
command:sell 1 NP1600E 100mil
command:sell 1 NP1600E 100mil
command:sell 1 NP1600E 100mil
command:buy NP1600E 100 10020000 0
Bought 1 units of np1600e at 100000000 m/unit, for a total of 100000000m.
Bought 1 units of np1600e at 100000000 m/unit, for a total of 100000000m.
Bought 1 units of np1600e at 100000000 m/unit, for a total of 100000000m.
Bought 1 units of np1600e at 100000000 m/unit, for a total of 100000000m.
Bought 1 units of np1600e at 100000000 m/unit, for a total of 100000000m.
My balance: -399,779,430
Owned Items of NP1600E: 1
command: cancelall NP1600E
results: Your asks and bids are cancelled
cancelsell order is not interpreting the values in million moneretos:
command: sell NP1600E 1 1mil
results: New ask added for 1 units of np1600e at a limit price of 1000000.
command: cancelsell NP1600E 1 1mil
results: You do not have such an order active.
command: cancelsell NP1600E 1 1000000
results: Order removed.