Hi guys, we need some testers to help test some specific issues with the ultima platform. Can people log in and let me know if these bug numbers are fixed and working as expected?
#16. API Purchase - positive price given but API asks for positive price
I can login and get a token, but when I try to buy some wine i get this error:
"token": "******",
"command": "buy",
"itemID": "W1604",
"amount": 1,
"price": 300000
{"status":200,"error":false,"data":{"result":"Price must be a positive integer."}}
#14. Personal Items list not filtering. I can see my items when I click on "all my items" on the top right, but if I then click on a category in which I own some items, I get an empty list (visible, but empty). Now, if I click "all my items" again, I get an empty list too...
#13. The "space in command" happened again. User went back with cursor to count the number of zeroes before placing, then pressed enter, while the cursor was not at the end of the command. This causes the command to split, and then be submitted.
fix: can use 2000, 2k, 22k, 5mil, 2.2k, 5.255mil (which will be transferred to 5 255 000) etc.
#12. short buy command gives "something went wrong" instead of the usual syntax help/error:
buy mead
buy mead 0
buy mead 0 10
#3. Cancelsell and CancelBuy commands do not accept the "mil" unit.
fix: Added support for mil in any price expression..
Also added support for k which is represent of 1000.
1k = 1000