Your post comes off as a bit scaremongery... reminds me of the panic now, omg, emoji..
If you had not thought about it, you can also talk about those kinds of ideas in this thread or even create another thread on this forum for such topics.. rather than referring forum members to an outside group... or even to refer to some group that might have some potentially questionable OPsec issues.
I am not going to deny that substantively "claw back" could be an issue for some Celsius account holders who might have withdrew relatively large amounts of BTC (or other crypto - shitcoins or cash).. In that regard, the bigger of a player that such Celsius account holder would have been, then the more potential that such larger withdrawals could be subject to claw back... and on a personal level, I believe it would be way better to have had withdrawn from Celsius.. even if potentially subject to receiving some kind of a clawback notice or even a legal document.. rather than to have not have had withdrawn and to have my coins stuck in bankruptcy proceedings.
The clawback issue is not as BIG of a deal (depending on personal details.. ) as having funds that are currently not able to be withdrawn because of bankruptcy proceedings.
Also, consider where you are at? How easy is it to serve you with notice? and how likely will you be pursued? consider your behavior and how you had withdrawn.. was it less than $10k less than $100k more than a $1million?.. was it right before they shut off withdrawals or more than a month beforehand? You are not necessarily engaging in strange behaviors if you are acting like a regular client, but of course details could make a difference in regards to whether they would actually even serve you clawback notice or even go to the next step of pursuing your legally in order to claw back however much that you may have ended up withdrawing before or as the Celsius scammening ship was sinking... and I am not going to even assume that you were enlightened in your withdrawal .. since you had been considering that it was a good idea to be earning yield on your money.. was it dollars? bitcoin? or some shitcoin(s)?