Thank you Cryptoglance, this software really helped me, and saved me lots of time. Thanks man!
I made a few changes to the overview section to make the software work best for me, Since I have several miners of different types, it takes me a lot of time to scroll up and down in order to check the temperature and the fan speed. Not to mention the fact that I'm accessing the software from TeamViewer, and the internet speed is not the best. Not to forget also that I'm quite lazy too
So, I though, why don't I just make a few changes, and add the temperature and fan speed up in the overview section? I looked their, and I found two items that I could care less about: Algorithm and Active Pool. So, I deleted them, and I replaced them with the temperature and fan speed. Here is a look at my software after I made the changes:
In case someone is wondering how I did it, here are the steps (Hope you don't mind Cryptoglance me sharing this):
In windows, go to the software files, then go to "application" Typically as the following:
C --> Program Files --> cryptoGlance --> application
If you run your own php web server, go directly to the files.
Once you get there, we need to change four files:
on v2.1.0.26 and older:
1. js --> dashboard --> RigCollection.js
on v2.1.0.28 and newer:
1. js --> dashboard --> Rig --> RigCollection.js
In this file, go to line 193 and replace the following:
'+ overview.algorithm +' | ' +
''+ hashrate_avg +' | ' +
''+ hashrate_5s +' | ' +
''+ active_pool_url +' | ' +
''+ uptime +' | ' +To the following:
'+ overview.tempo +' | ' +
''+ overview.fano +' | ' +
''+ hashrate_avg +' | ' +
''+ hashrate_5s +' | ' +
''+ uptime +' | ' +2. templates --> panels --> overview.php
Go to line 13, and replace the following:
Name |
Algorithm |
Hashrate avg |
Hashrate 5s |
Active Pool |
Uptime | to the following:
Name |
Temperature |
Fan Speed |
Hashrate avg |
Hashrate 5s |
Uptime | What we did so far is that we deactivated Algorithm and Active Pool, and added new ones Temperature and Fan Speed.
Now we need to add the values in the new ones. Here is how to do it:
on v2.1.0.26 and older, go to the following:
3. includes --> classes --> miners --> cgminer.php
scroll to line number 20, and you will find this:
protected $_rigStatus = 'offline';
add under this line the following two lines:
protected $_tempo = 0;
protected $_fano = 0;
The same step should be done for v2.1.0.28 and newer, but on a different file:
3. includes --> classes --> miners --> abstract.php
protected $_rigStatus = 'offline';
add under this line the following two lines:
protected $_tempo = 0;
protected $_fano = 0;
Now for both old and new versions, do these two steps for the following file :
4. includes --> classes --> miners --> cgminer.php
First, go to line number 45, and will will find this piece of code:
'status' => $this->_rigStatus,
add under it these two lines:
'tempo' => $this->_tempo,
'fano' => $this->_fano,
Second, go to line number 624, you will fined this code:
// Get all fan speeds
if ($stat['fan_num'] && $stat['fan_num'] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['fan_speeds'] = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $stat['fan_num']; $i++) {
if ($stat['fan'.$i] && $stat['fan'.$i] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['fan_speeds'][] = $stat['fan'.$i];
replace it with this code:
// Get all fan speeds
if ($stat['fan_num'] && $stat['fan_num'] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['fan_speeds'] = array();
$this->_fano = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $stat['fan_num']; $i++) {
if ($stat['fan'.$i] && $stat['fan'.$i] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['fan_speeds'][] = $stat['fan'.$i];
$this->_fano[] = ' ' . $stat['fan'.$i] . ' ' ;
Finally, go to line number 636. you will find the following code:
// Get all temperatures reported
if ($stat['temp_num'] && $stat['temp_num'] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['temperatures'] = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $stat['temp_num']; $i++) {
if ($stat['temp'.$i] && $stat['temp'.$i] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['temperatures'][] = $stat['temp'.$i];
Replace it with the following code:
// Get all temperatures reported
if ($stat['temp_num'] && $stat['temp_num'] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['temperatures'] = array();
$this->_tempo = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $stat['temp_num']; $i++) {
if ($stat['temp'.$i] && $stat['temp'.$i] > 0) {
$this->_devs[$dKey]['temperatures'][] = $stat['temp'.$i];
$this->_tempo[] = ' ' . $stat['temp'.$i] . ' ';
That's it. Now it should display the fan and temperature values as the way in the picture.
Hope this helps someone