By the way, is this an access issue?
==> Starting Update...Please be patient
==> Creating temporary directory to download update and unzip: update/v2.0.2.799
==> ERROR: Failed to create the directory: update/v2.0.2.799
* Please contact support via reddit, bitcointalk, or IRC!
Yes. I have yet to identify what the permission is exactly. The current solution (it's an ugly solution) is to:
1) Navigate to the parent folder of cryptoglance
2) sudo chmod -R 777
3) sudo chown -R www-data:www-data
On my Synology slight modification to the above:
1) ssh in as root as sudo doesn't exist
2) chmod -R 777
3) chown -R http:http
Synology uses http as the group name not www-data
Updates working fine now
I'm getting this same error, but other than the error I don't understand anything ya'll wrote. I can ssh into my miners, if that's the same thing as ssh into an app...
Are you using CryptoGlance on a Linux machine? It's very rare for there to be issues with the Windows app, so we assumed this was a linux machine CryptoGlance is running on.
Completely separate question - If I have the app run when my system starts up, is there a way to save the log in credentials? I would like it to get itself up and running without any outside input after a system reboot.
Currently there is no way to auto-login. This is specifically to keep the secure and reduce risk of your miners being changed to an attackers address.
As for future features such as email alerts and such, there will be an option to use a background process and that will be able to start on startup.
still no sort feature .? it``s been a long time in the asking and saw you mentionned somewhere in february that you where adding it soon
Not yet. We're trying to release a major update before any new features are released. However we are building ways to minimize panels and sort them. They will be available we roll this major update out (Referenced here:
@cryptoglance - What does the api look like for ant pool in http format. I would like to mess with it a little. Thanks
I will be able to provide this information in the next few hours... Sit tight