Just posting an update that Nightly builds have been rolling out the past couple of days. There is no manual work required from the user, just click Update and enjoy.
To receive Nightly updates, click Tools in the navigation bar at the top, then click cryptoGlance Settings:
Scroll down to App Updates:
Enable updates by clicking Enable cryptoGlance Updates, followed by enabling Nightly builds:
When an update is available, you will be prompt. It is up to you if you wish to update:
Clicking on Update Now will navigate you to the update page. To proceed with the update, follow the instruction on screen and click Start Update Process:
Upon update completion, you should see the follow message:
If the message says anything different and the application fails (though we have not had any reports of this), you can find support in our IRC channel: irc.freenode.org / #cryptoglance
Cheers and happy mining!