Thx for trying to help.
This part is working.
But to connect when I'm away from home , I don't understand what IP I have to use in the android app.
you need to use your allocated public IP: it can change, you should ideally use a dyndns service.
and also redirect port 4041 to your internal IP from your router.
Awesome thank you.
So, for the newbs like me asking about the IP in the APP , you have to use your public IP , no matter if you use router + box.
(it was never exactly said in simple words in the thread, that's why the question come back often from different guys).
To sum up , 3 steps :
- edit the {{install_dir}}/settings.json file. Change line 30 to use your 192.168.x.x address, similar to: "listen_on": ["", 4041], and allow firewall when asked.
- do the port forward thing in the router with port 4041 and the 192.168.x.x address of the device where the app run
- use the "public IP":4041 in the android app. Public IP can be found with or for example.
I think the read me txt should be updated with more detailed explanation for beginners.
Thanks again zOU