Daily Summary 9/24/2012 Today's return on face value, % 1.12%Total return on face value since IPO, % 5.74% Capital account per share, BTC 0.101125
Dividend payable per share, BTC 0.001125
Face value per share, BTC 0.100000
Dividend paid out today per share, BTC 0.00000000
Accumulated dividend paid out including BSD per share, BTC 0.00461735
My shareholders should know that day D’s financial report will be published in day D+1’s morning, and the reported net income results are mostly influenced by how much money we can lend in day D-1.
Immediately after our first dividend paid out, I received automated alert email on my cellphone that shares sold out. It seems that the dividend help potential investors have faith in WIT. Thanks.
When pirate40 was popular, few refused to invest; When pirate40 gone, few tried my assets.
Lewis write in book
The Big Short:
"Whatever that guy is buying, I want to short it." Lippman took it as a joke, but Eisman was completely serious. "Greg, I want to short his paper. Sight unseen."
Eisman is a hero in The Big Short, who persist in holding a huge short position very lonely when everyone, including his life-long friends, believed him was crazy or blind. In the financial markets, the minority win and the majority lose. Some people are always the majority.
I assure you my investors here: this is a profitable business with a relatively small risk. It is not a Ponzi. I’m highly confident that one day the shares outstanding will be bought back at its face value.
Trust WIT, may you be rich.