Plenty of users who got RIPPED OFF and LIED to over & over and often banned and threatened etc
ALSO have had personal problems in that time frame.
If i am going to extend any sympathy to anyone Miss Nettles living in her Mansion before was the last person.
I grew up with out a dad.. he died when i was 5 years old.
The last chick i dated was trying to cheat on me but i kept catching her attempts.
I have been cheated on before and i have been thrown on the street and been penniless.
And i had my disabled step sister who was blind / deaf and retard die at age 12 some years back.
(she was like the guy in the Metallica "One" video)
I got burned and took loss and got fucked over by Cryptsy too which is why i bitched them out so many times before..
So where is my sympathy and Diamond ring SUV and Mansion and then cash payment ?
Hard times.. hard times guys.. i have to scrape by on food stamps with my quarter million dollars
What will i feed my kids ?
OMG i just realized something guys.. i might have to get a job like the Cryptsy users who got ripped off to pay for my kids food.
..the HORROR
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off
Gimme a break with the hard luck story here people.
I highly doubt her claims of innocence considering their pre-Cryptsy history.
Gimme a break.
We're talking about the Nettles who collected all the small amounts of money from a large pool of users.
Each user had a small amount of cash money they pooled into Crypto based on FAITH !
Faith the owner would not steal the money and run.. then lie about it for a year or two etc.
I WILL have sympathy for the collection of small guys who all lost a small(er) amount of money
..that went into a pocket who held a large amount.
Am i suppose to pity some embezzling thief who robbed a company of 12.5 million dollars because he had to give back *some* of it ?
The reality is even if she did not know what Paul did way back.. she DID know after the fact.
Which means she should NOW be forgoing willingly receiving an obscene amount of cash she KNOWS damn well she is not entitled to at all.
If that women had a shred of class in her she would already be here saying ok who lost money let me split it with you etc.
But nope.. she KNOWS the guys are here complaining and short from being ripped-off and has her "mouth" to feed so i guess tough luck suckers.. miss Nettles needs YOUR MONEY to to do
I Gove zero fucks about who cheated on who or who is divorced etc.
This is about the users who got ripped off and don't you guys damn well forget it !
Who is still getting their Cryptsy payments ?
And yeah i was ALWAYS suspicious of who might have ran that site/service.. Paul & Friends ?