Story was from July 2016 so ya all know..
And it's nice to see i get 0 credit.. still.
I took the fucking wrath of the cheerleader squad and Cryptsy themselves.
Only for them to do a 180 and 99% of the fangirls to admit SPOETNIK WAS RIGHT !
I fucking warned you all and you mouthed me off and block-listed me for speaking out.
and that was sure as hell not the first rat i exposed and warned you all about either.
Mt. Gox ring a bell ?
You know guys i was going to come over to Bitcointalk and see what was shakin' a few minutes ago..
and as always the fist thing i thought of was how much fucking bratty little bitch "FUD" or "Troll" whining will i hear today ?
This is a story about how the community is a bunch of greedy corrupt idiots.
And it's about the pressure guys like myself and Gleb Gamow etc etc put on them to ADMIT IT !
God knows how long that asshole and his massive loyal staff would have carried on with out the immense pressure we put on them..
Fuck you and your whiny little bitch crying FUD for bucks $$$ routine people..
GTFO out of crypto pricks.. your not wanted here.
Either you
FUD first & ask questions later™ or you are an idiot.
Crypto you make me sick with this same old bullshit.
Nothing ever changes.. you get everything short of the word of god and yet STILL cling to your deception games for profit.
Scroll back a few hundred pages here and watch human garbage scammers like CyberPinoy and Terrik aggressively defending them every step of the way up until the very last minute when Vern bolted.. laughing at them.
Notice anything ?
I told you all a million times.. YOU DO THE WORK for these pricks and enable them.
Notice how Vern never had to even show his face ? (he did make one brief early appearance on this topic)
He didn't have to.. you all lined up to smooth over his scam.. FOR HIM usual.
So (as i said millions of times) so he can make a large fortune and the followers can scrounge up the scraps.
You guys, YOU LET HIM do this !YOU made excuses for him and cried "FUD" like rotten little brats.
CRYPTSY should have been held accountable !
You all should have not ALLOWED them to create the position they placed themselves in.It was
YOUR JOB to hold their feet to the fire over accountability, responsibility and transparency
I am equally disgusted with the community over this as i am BigVern.Why did this happen ?Pretty damn simple.. Greed & Corruption combined with the greed & corruption of the
exchange operator.
I have long said what ever i say.. like a broken record.. so here i go again with the "FUD" classics
You all are fine with it so long as you get a cut.. that all this ever amounts to.
A SCAM is a scheme coin project / service that
you lose money on.
A LEGIT one is simply anything
you got a profit from.
That really is the summary of the entire Crypto scene.Most users in Crypto are happy to turn a blind eye to scammy bullshit and even cheerlead for them
right up until the situation goes belly-up then you all fumble over yourselves to ride my coat tails and..
TURN ON YOUR MASTER and join Spoetnik's ohhhh so evil Trolling "FUD" campaign.
You all made me wear out my RollEyes.jpeg button here years ago Nothing ever changes and i would like to think it will after enough
GOX'ings but that does not seem to be the case.
Because you are all just as stupid and deceitful and greedy as ever..
How do i know ?JShock was more than happy to Shill Ratecoin on behalf of Leroy Fodor (CyberPinoy) on Social Media.
Apparently he had plenty of time to go out of his way to flog scam coins for a known scammer
..but was too busy to show his fucking face in Crypto.Yup you bet your damn ass.. ALL these fuckers are still here in Crypto doing what they do in the shadows usual.
AND have any of you shown any interest in where are they now ?
Of course not.. you are dumb chasing old money.
When they are already working on NEW MONEY.
Anyway..I started posting this because something has been sticking in my craw about BigVern.And it's not the fact these NEWS sites all unanimously ignored Spoetnik & Gleb Gamow etc.
Which i might add we were often given veiled lawsuit threats of defamation etc
and black listed from the scene over this assholes !
(where is our credit ? News websites)
There was a very small group that seen the problem and spoke up waaaay ahead of the crowd.. we warned you all.
And were spit on !Why did we do it ?
We were told because we were horrible people etc.
And we were effectively abused by the community and black-listed and banned all over because of it.
Thanks.. i appreciate that assholes.. oh how quickly you forget huh ?
By the way NO we were not doing "it" to be a jerk
We were trying to help the vulnerable to take reasonable precautions.
In other words it was a golden opportunity for users like Goldseal to buy cheap Cryptsy-BTC - ALA:
And if you don't know what that is then you KNOW nothing about crypto.
It was a golden opportunity for a flood of profiteers to capitalize on the flood of people leaving near the end who decided to arb / short Doge coin which resulted in the profiteers blocking the user exodus from getting out.
NOTE:JSHock even used that as an excuse for why Cryptsy had problems after he seen me say that here on the Cryptsy chat box to the users.
Essentially a fire was spotted by some of us.. so we warned you all and all you guys did was stampede to the fire door leaving the women and children to be burned alive.. simply so you can scrape together a few cents profit.YA YOU ARE CLASSY GUYS ALRIGHT !Anyway part 2
My craw..
Why is it she showed up here claiming to have BigVern on the phone ?
How much do we have on her ? I just know bits & pieces.
Best from my point of view it seems plausible she is / was the other women.