You will find Big V acted alone and staff were bound by NDA's.
Im pretty sure an NDA is not enforceable when it comes to criminal activity.
I am 100% sure you cannot use the fact that you have an NDA to justify assisting criminal activity.
When they knew they had been hacked, and ran the exchange taking other peoples money to cover the losses,
they became part of the criminal act. No court in the world is going to accept the excuse "I kept the scam going because of my NDA,
so I can't be arrested."
How many people do you know that download movies and smoke weed. By your logic your as guilty as they are since you didn't report the crime.
I don't believe staff knew of any doings that were illegal. It's likely they did not know as Paul Vernon was a recluse. Suspicion is far different from knowledge.
If and that's a big if the staff knew activities were illegal I hope they would have spoken up. It's likely the majority are just as confused as you and I to the truth of the matter. As far as I was aware Big Vern was the only one with access to the Bitcoin wallets through layers of security protocol. This gives me the most suspicion that the original crime was not quite as it seems.
Fact: All key Cryptsy personnel read the various forums prior, during and post event, commenting on myriad topics.
Fact: The bitcoins moved during the event were discussed several times prior to anybody here in the wild knowing that an event had occurred, referring to said moneys as being in a cold wallet(s).
Since the event Cryptsy acted as if having a liquidity issue with its key personnel bombarded daily with concerns as to where's their moneys. At some point at least one key personnel would've inquired of Paul Vernon as to why no funds are being moved from the massive cold wallet(s). At the very least, the personnel would've spoken of this among themselves and done some sort of rudimentary investigation over the course of 18 months prior to the announcement on Cryptsy's blog.
Yet, John MacPherson aka Horus, living comfortably numb in his fully paid for condo-cum-office-residence by Paul Vernon/Cryptsy (leased six months prior to Cryptsy Canada was a corp with Marshall Long as its third principal), continued to cry about living paycheque to paycheque, not knowing anything, but if he did he would share it with the community, thus assuming his concerns of any NDA were mute. Recall, Horus was fresh out of University with a law degree in hand and is an honorable Freemason member with haggis dripping from his beard as he continued to collect vitals of unsuspecting users up to the final days of Cryptsy.
It's most likely a safe assumption that key personnel knew of Horus housing arrangement, Paul Vernon's new home and of his divorce in October of last year prior to any of us being versed. I'm pretty sure that at least one compliance officer at Cryptsy was aware of the hack, but they too opted to not report it to an appropriate agency because the key FBI dude they've been working with was no longer an option due to him being indicted almost a year after the event (March 2015). How those at Cryptsy knew that Bridges and Force were being investigated is anybody's guess, but according to Paul Vernon that was the case, hence the infamous quagmire.
plural pronoun, possessive our or ours, objective us.
1. nominative plural of I.
EDIT: Just read the above subsequent post, in essence echoing my sentiment.