There's a handful of us that put in hundreds of hours digging up the truth with nary a peep from Paul Vernon, yet you come out of the fuckin' woodwork and broker a deal and get paid for it where we have and will continue to do the search for free.
You think I was able to do this without putting in any work? I'm getting paid a bounty because I'm actually able to recover the coins. I haven't been hostile towards you so I don't understand why you've been flaming me constantly. Please refrain from harassing me in the future and use some common sense.
Common sense dictates that you're pulling a fast one, CrackHead. Look at the Twitter timeline. You tweet him; a few days later Paul Vernon replies; you tweet again days later; and wait; now, both of you are available on Twitter at the same time. As far as I'm concerned, both you are in adjacent stalls playing Cupping Balls.
I find it funny too he thinks he's talking to bao (paul) on twitter when its horus. But horus is working night and day and won't rest as he feels obligated to make everything right... so obligated and dedicated not taking an hour to sleep or come here to comment thats how busy hunting leads he is.
Are you being sarcastic about horus or is he actually working that hard to get the coins? And if that twitter account is horus, then where is Paul Vernon in all this? Has he washed his hands of it completely?
Horus is no longer employed at Cryptsy
I didn't think anyone was employed at Cryptsy anymore.
There are very few left, those that remain are here to try to assist users any way we can with hopes that the coins would eventually be returned.
If this is indeed for real and this guy is not just pulling a bad joke then users coins will all be returned.
Im not sure where we go from here once those coins have been paid out to users. I imagine gleb will continue trashing the site trying to prevent us from reopening.
I personally would like to see Cryptsy come back to life as do many others but well have to see what happens after everyone is paid
Gleb or others trashing the site? O come on... you guys lied to your customers on hacks. How would you reopen and provide transparency so that you could just you know call everyone fudders and pull a fast one again? You'd be better off just changing the name and the colour scheme to red and reopening.. o wait nm its been done. Or was it? Someone in trollbox told us all it was just the script sold to china.