Im not saying your the bad guy, but at this point gleb how bout letting us try to get the coins back for users without all your extra nonsense?
As far as what was told to users by myself, horus and others who communicated to users: We were not informed as to why there were problems getting coins out until late 2015. We could only go by what little info was being passed to us.
Im not here to justify how the stolen coins were handled and Paul agrees that it should have been handled differently at the time.
However, the coins were stolen and are currently in process of hopefully being returned.
So lets hope for the best on that so that we can make alot of ppl happy and go from there.
youre being over dramatic in traditional Gleb fashion. Did you have any solid evidence pertaining to Cryptsy financials? Because you had about same level of access I did. Yes, people in community were getting upset, and I noticed it. That is why I threatened to resign. I admitted I drank the koolaid and believed my bosses. Obviously the wrong decision. Anyways, I came to explain what I know/knew. I've had to do some major thinking before post because after finding this shit out, I don't know , of what I know if fact or fiction. I get that by being here Im the one who is gonna face brunt of insults even though I had nothing to do with it. My skin is thick and I will try to explain or answer any questions that I may know answer to, which apparently isnt much at this point.
Please accept my apology in not believing you, Jim Slockney. I mistook Horus not knowing anything in January 2016, about the
event with knowing about the
event back in late 2015.
Dont know what to tell ya. The guy contacted us with an offer to return the coins. So paul is actively working with him to get this done.
Meanwhile, can you at least tell us if it's the Eternal Insolvent dude that's being negotiated with since you've expressed being in the know?