On the bottom of internetturnpike.com site you can see that Atlantic Silicon Inc. designed site
Last owner information update for internetturnpike.com was on 12th.December.2015, so it is very possible that Vernon sold business to this company after that.
Where did money go? There was not a word about it in divorce settlement and there is 0% chance that his former wife did not know for this.
Internetturnpike yearly revenue was about $750.000 so it was impossible for her to oversee it.More likely she was liquidating his personal and business assets connected with Cryptsy through divorce settlement and he did the others.
In the divorce papers there were many contradictions:
- he stated that he has no money income,but paid her lawyers $15.000 and $20.000 for big house tax
- his wife stated that his yearly gross revenue is ~ $100.000, he stated has no income at all
- how he can pay alimony and health care ~ $3000 or more per month when he has no money income or any valubale properties( she took both houses and everything in them,better SUV,all money on US savings accounts)
- also something very unusal and very suspicious - by divorce settlement (10.2 - Real Property part) she has obligation to sell big house within 30 days from divorce.Why,it is her house now ?
- she has same obligation of house selling for smaller house in Tourmaline Boulvd. - If she have to sale both houses for 30 days,where she will live,where kids will go in school,etc?
It is very similar to fugitive behaviour - fast assets liquidation,taking cash money and RUN
If the fucker Paul Vernon doesn't give one iota of shit about his two children, don't think for a sec that he has any feelings toward those who lost satoshis or thousands of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies. Fuckin' people is Paul's mindset, and for that he should be flogged in public inches of death, then healed so to be flogged again for everybody's amusement. Same true for Ginny & Jim Slockney, John Hammes aka BitJohn, John MacPherson aka Horus, and Nicholas Mullesch (Nick) aka Mullick.
He's amusing... watch the video where he is confronted and all nervous. Not much of a man. I suspect that if you confronted him he'd be a cowering mess but behind the scenes thinks he's so smart and has the upper hand. I'm sure in time he'll get whats coming to him. Can't live a lie forever and not be brought to answer for your crimes.