Way too late, sorry.
I think you have experience in this regard, having had an exchange hacked once, correct?
Yes, I do have experience in this.
I detected hundreds of hacking attempts in only a month of operation and decided to shut down to avoid any major issues. None of the attacks were successful and the exchange never lost a single satoshi of customer funds. 100% of the users' funds were returned.
I realized that a security department is necessary to run a crypto exchange and I also knew that I did not have the net income required to hire a whole department.
Which is why i never even clicked r3wt's link to his exchange when he was first starting it.
and the same for Ryan who was making his own then went to work at Bittrex.
Who Ryan was basing his exchange from r3wt's code who funny enough later
had Ahmed next using that code.
Funny enough we all know r3wt's exchange OpenEX got hacked
WOW what a shocker like and i did not say that years in advance LOL
Same concept why i chose to never make a coin.
If you don't fully have the PROPER ability to do it then you should not !
Little shits pushing shit coins like presstab + HYP don't get that.
I wouldn't do it and i have tons of experience coding.
I started making a source engine game way back among my many projects.
Written in C.
I was doing great and had no problems and was starting to play around int he game to much LOL
But i realized i had to face facts..
My grand plan was far too ambitious for ONE MAN.
And with Source Engine updates coming out occasionally that would require me to keep up with
i just wasn't going to be able to do it all by my self.
Stopped the project and i *think i since deleted it.. long ago.
You don't know if your project in crypto your investing in.. is by a 12 yr old kid with no coding experience.
Sort of like hiring two teens to manage Cryptsy then having it hacked..
Horus and Mullick.
They are kids.. left in charge of MILLIONS.
You guys might want to find out who Mullick is and why he vanished.
Maybe see those two guy(s) job descriptions..eh Bittrex Ritchie
Who said last night on IRC ..leave those two guys alone.
What was their JOB again ?
I EXPECT those two be black listed from the crypto world for ever having another job again.
You hire either of them i will personally laugh in your fucking face.