Let's play a new game. I'll just provide the quotes and you have to determine whether the quote is contributed to Leroy Fodor or some other person.
WARNING! I'm not responsible if you laugh your ass off and die.
"I never said that, dont put words in my mouth, you want my addresses then you need to be well invested to prove your not trying to get them to hack us. you. its not you that would be responsible to pay all my investors back if I post those addre4sses on your forum and one of your members hacks our wallets huh? if your invested youll protect those addresses so no one will hack them."
"Really you know nothing about wallets or blockchain technology. Posting an address enables people to hack your wallets? Really? And you want us to believe you?"
"you know nothinbg about blockchain technology yes an address can be used to hack a wallet. lets see if you know how becasueI already do"
"What is in the WATER these days... Two people in two days believe hacking wallet addresses are super easy and therefore they won't share them. *facepalm
hahahaha... okay big guy. Hack this one 17mcFB7Xyymd9hxp2bgNPz1ruWsdoPoCnZ (Updated a different wallet address)
Here's a good one for you - 19KJZ5aqWnrrCaNAS5Pbd4uknPFBxjALRt Do I get a cut of your amazing hacking ability because I found the address of a quality wallet for you?"
"Then why don't you just go on the block chain and hack all the big wallets? You could be rich in no time. All addresses are public, I am having trouble understanding why you won't publicly claim yours. If they were hackable and people wanted your coins, they would be gone regardless of whether you publicly post them or not. Your logic is slightly skewed."
At least you've got Copy/Paste hacking skills. Bravo.
If you think we're being rough on you or unfair... you are clearly missing the point.- You stated Bitcoin was worthless
- You stated that you could hack any wallet if you just had the address
Two horribly misguided and incorrect statements that deserve to be called on the carpet for saying so. "This @cyberpinoy person already has a fanclub on Bitcointalk:
"@cyberpinoy you look like you need a breath of fresh air. It's not about Bruno/Gleb, it's about crazy stuff you're posting there and here. You have deleted a ton of posts (your own as well as unflattering posts made by others in your self-moderated thread) on Bitcointalk. Seems like you tend to post without thinking."
I can't take anymore because I'm laughing my ass off too much. The dudes over there were begging for him to list the staking wallets for proof, but Leroy opted to list ALL his investors' private data as proof, whereupon they had to explain to help what the fuck he just did.
I'M DYIN' HERE! Somebody bring me water.
"OK we can settle this nonsense Organize a hangout, daffy, my competitor, all the admins and whoever else wants to see the proof come into the google hangout, we can all be there. I will share my screen and show the wallets, then close them, then reopen them so you can see them loading, opening, and I will show you the exact same images you see in the website. You dont need addresses. if all you want is real proof and that is what you desire, what better proof is there than that."
So Leroy does it live, showing strangers even more of his investors' private data.
"You should refrain from calling people "slanderous trolls", If you want to be taken seriously then please act more professional in the way you conduct yourself. If you were a part of a large corporation they would fire you on the spot if you were putting down perspective clients, no matter what they were saying or suggesting. You are beginning to create a very bad image for yourself and your company by proceeding in this manner and are only making it worse by attacking people over their questions.
I've been a part of these forums about a month now and in that time Daffy setup GHminting, a Block explorer and committed Raspbium builds to Github so he indeed knows what he is talking about."
"Here's his problem. He's already shown he doesn't know how to control his reactions, he's already chatted nonsense about taking people to court for asking questions he doesn't like and he hasn't done anything to try and convince anyone that he has any idea what he's on about.
, do you see that, in the distance? That's your credibility floating away into the ether.
"Daffy I am not sure what your purpose is here, but by the looks of it your just a troll,"
"Well lets get this over with. You are right that transaction is not linked from you website. But this is just basic forensics. Most of the transactions pay out from one address. 1NvBFy1NPKdZ7nrxwzsCVPdSbYdQ55PCcG
The transaction i listed above is an incoming transaction to that address. If you run a business like this you separate your incoming transaction to make it easier to do the accounting later on you don't let your hot wallet be poluted by some random transactions. The transaction that I linked is very interesting it really shows that your profit source is from a different nature than you claim it is."
If anyone here is considering buying in to your service then it's up to them if they want to take you up on that offer and it's up to them whether they take that as sufficient proof. Personally, unless I see address's I wont be buying in.
Keep in mind what I said, assuming that you are legit, threatening lawsuits and branding respected community members trolls isn't the best way to go about engaging with your potential customers. It doesn't create a good impression and an abrasive attitude wont win anyone over.
Don't forget, people have been burned. Some several times. Learn about your customer base, who they are, what they expect and what their previous experiences are, and how to engage with them properly if you want to actually get somewhere in the crypto industry.
Leroy's reply to the above: How much we you looking to investing bob?
From the desk of You're Not Goin' Fuckin' Believe This,
"I understand what you said, no problems, but now we dont have to provide the addresses, this thread has well pointed out that altho it may be a complex situation your wallets can be hacked thru the use of your wallet address. just because its hard does not make it impossible. trusting yuour addresses to people you do not know, especially ones of the stature that are demanding them would be a security risk in my investors eyes."
The above was by our beloved Leroy Fodor AFTER it was explained to him in great detail that a Bitcoin address alone can't be hacked, but here he is still arguing the point that it sure the hell can, albeit difficult, recalling Leroy stated that he even knows how to do it.