We have this in the USA, it is called the militia. Unfortunately the government does not like competition in their monopoly on the use of force, so it has been systematically attacked, dismantled, and cast as being made up of batshit rightwing terrorists.
I think most of this militia is dangerous in fact. Normal people feeling the power to rule often lead to problems. You ever heard of stanford-prison-experiment? I wouldnt like having a militia in my neighbourhood because i know that all the shit of mankind would go into it. Wearing weapons and feel mighty.
Of course there are good people building militias too. Only those things often go wrong.
And then there are those racist militias. I guess it doesnt need explaination why such people shouldnt be allowed to legally build a military power. They would only be there for some people and what happens with the rest is open. Maybe those have to create their own militia then...
First of all, are you even in the US? Do your lords and masters even let lowly subjects such as yourself you own a firearm where you live? Do you fear the coast guard? Because that was designed in a very similar way to the independent militia system, only the governor of each state controls them.
The militias are NOT dangerous, this perception is 100% comprised of media lies any hype. The vast majority of militias are composed of former military and police officers (ie patriotic law abiding citizens). If you are so terrified of militias, why aren't you afraid of the coast guard, or the army, or police for that matter? Militias in the US have never tried to take control. Their
only purpose is to serve as an independent armed force to preserve the constitution of the USA. Never have they tried to subvert the government despite the news media jizz you chug down like koolaid.
"normal people feeling the power to rule"? First of all militias aren't for anything except rule of law. Second, you really believe normal people are more dangerous than the psychopaths currently in charge, and you feel safer with them continuing to run things? You are pretty mental. Have you ever heard of Stockholm syndrome? You are right about one thing, the militia are only there to help some people, and that is the people within their own state. There is nothing wrong with that, because that is their duty to protect the law of the land of the state they are based in. Further more, the USA, is SUPPOSED to be run by "normal people", not queens and lords like I am sure are in charge where you live.
You "know all the shit of mankind would go to it". How exactly have you come to this conclusion? Was it from talking with actual militia members or hearing their arguments, or was it because the glowing idiot box told you so? What evidence do you actually have that militias are racist?
"I guess it doesnt need explaination why such people shouldnt be allowed to legally build a military power."
It does not need explaining why? Because you declare it so? If you are going to make an argument usually that requires you back up your points, not just declare them obvious fact for everyone (because it is not).
As far as your Stanford prison experiment example, please explain to me what effect exactly that has on militias that it doesn't have on police, military, coast guard, TSA, DHS, FBI, ATF, etc, or any other government controlled use of force that you are so willing to put your faith in? This argument is moot because it equally applies to any other use of force you feel may be more appropriate.
It is very clear to me that you either:
A. Don't reside in the US (probably in some western European slum that likes to pretend they are better than the rest of the world)
B. A fervent antigun nut (because if you decide to be defenseless, everyone else should be too)
C. Or both
Here is an interview with some actual militia leaders so you can see what bloodthirsty dictatorial racists they are for yourself: