My point is : mind your own business
That is nonsense and doesn't work. If you are non-DT you can set your list to full of scammers if you wish, nobody should care. if you are DT, you affect everyone and thus are responsible for keeping a proper list. If you don't, then you should be willing to accept the consequences. Your post didn't need breaking down as it is just not worth it.
By what law are the last 2 users you discussed with coinlocket$ scammers?
Excluding someone from the trust list has nothing to do with someone being a scammer. You don't understand the basics, so please stop suggesting nonsense.
Thank you for your suggestion, I appreciate the commitment but I don't want to remove any feedbacks (even if the accounts are old and inactive). These are proofs that trade went well and some users could get irritated. I think I'm using the feedback system as it should be used: send feedbacks after trades and send feedback to users I really trust. There's no reason to remove feedbacks. Anyway, if any of the users in my list or in my sent feedback list do something wrong I'll be ready to remove them or leave a negative feedback. I feel responsible for my DT list and feedback list.
Dead user accounts with green trust pose a security risk; removing the rating is trivial if the transaction isn't really significant/rating isn't important.
Why should extend our exclusion list if we can solve issue by discussion. Is it better just kick out some one without any explanation? I don't think so. Those are new they can learn from here and they can motivate themselves.
Yes. I'd really prefer not to have a trust list with several hundred excluded users.