oh i guess BCX has temporarily run away from the forums conveniently?
After all that hot air and big talk and ...nothing? Lol
he always talks a bit and leaves you should know that you been here a long time
and is this Monero still a thing ? wow this is so September LOL
where have you guys been ? don't you know we're all on about Scam Coin #1,564 now..
And say what you want about the guy but he is actually witty and funny and clever unlike you guys..
His meme pics and his timing for them are legendary !
The misc pics posted above reek of 9yr old's trying to be funny and failing miserably.
It's sad to watch people think they are crafty or funny when they keep failing on their face.. THAT is funny LOL
At least Photoshop up the Google image pics you grabbed guys
there is not anything clever about telling lies and making vague statements.
Lol you and BCX should go out
How is it so September if his deadline was in October? Please keep up with the discussion buddy lol
If you don't like me calling out BCX on his bullshit...that is okay just back him up more because you are already so far up his ass already.
Thanks for the laugh!
giving him his props for his timely meme pics..
he rarely puts them out but when he does they are added at such clever moments and then the quality of them itself is just magical
and ACTUALLY funny unlike the guys scrolling up above.. a comedic genius !
he really is truly funny and that is one of the things that makes him a good user around this place.
he doesn't think his is clever and funny etc.. he is !
i couldn't count how many times i have been shocked instantly laughing from out of no where so hard i almost pissed my pants !
he just runs game on you noobs so hard it's not even funny.. your all not even in the same league as that guy lol
but it amuses my balls off you try though..
and that has no bearing on his deadline for Monero nor does it have anything to do with how far i am "up his ass"
i see no problem in giving guys their props.. after all i *again just gave you yours smoothie
and you responded by being an asshole Smoothie.. and the viewers you're all putting on a crypto-show for will see that clearly LOL
if you all want ropes i will go buy a big 'ole fat box and throw em on the floor and kick back and grab a martinee and watch
no skin off my blockchain lol
BitcoinExpress has a reputation for being a superior crypto community member because he is better than most of you.. come to terms with it.
he is smarter, funnier and better looking and is probably off sleeping with your women RIGHT NOW ! hahahha