Not really no, is owned by me, although a Devoin enthusiast I am not one of the founders, creators etc is not made by anyone that is
how does this affect the Devcoin community?
Btw the fact you say you are owed 5 million devcoins is not true and you know it
I already told you the web site was displaying the wrong amount
you know damn well you are not owed 5 million devcoins, my pool did not even mine that many devcoins when you were mining on it
This is now the second time that you have publicly called me a liar. I'm getting tired of it.
All I'm saying is that my account displayed that amount when I logged in your site.
I've already once returned incorrectly disbursed devcoins and I thought you got your display working.
I was the only one mining on your pool for several weeks, so I don't understand why the amount is so unreasonable.
Please tell me what amount I am due if it isn't 5 millionish.
I have no way to prove it but either do you
and listen I am sorry I dont mean to call you a liar
I dont ever remember you mining on the pool for several weeks but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and give you something to compensate you but seriously there is no way it is 5 million devcoins
I am sorry the pool was screwing up, the big problem was this, I was getting devcoin bounty payments on the same wallet
and devcoin pays the bounties kind of like generated blocks, the pool did not know the difference so it was showing every bounty payment like it was a damn generated block
this is what I am going to do - I will get into the pools wallet and see whats in there
I will send you half of whatever is in the wallet
and the rest to Unthinkingbit
I wish I had time to play with Devcoin stuff but I really don't these days
I am not sure whats in that wallet but the file size is pretty big, it may very well be 10 mill in there
is that fair?
What ever c
You seem sincere, and I'm kind of at your mercy, so yes, your process seems fair (although I don't completely understand what's going on).
All I know is I'm rooting for that file to have more than 10 mil, heh.
Lemme know if you want me to delete any of my posts once we have this resolved.
I hate being someone spreading FUD (especially when I haven't had time to completely wrap my head around devcoin yet).
Naa you dont have to delete any post
Let me explain it to you better
The pool was a wallet right
Well when the pool generates coins they show up in the wallet
I foolishly used an address from the pools wallet to have my Devcoin bounty payments sent to
because I did not realize the pool would screw them up
See I was getting payments every day
these are personal payments to me, it was my money but the pool confused those payments as generated blocks
so it was giving out my own personal money to the miners
when the difficulty was very high the pool thought it was mining blocks every day
when in reality it was not, it was only mining a block like once a week
if that
but it counted my personal payments and displayed them as mined blocks when in reality they were not
if you go look at a devcoin block explorer you will see what I mean when you see 45000 coin blocks instead of 5000
the 45000 coin blocks are devcoin bounty payments
and the 5000 coin blocks are generated blocks
well my pool did not know the difference
and it was counting all of those coins as mined blocks and giving away free money to miners
now I admit I was pre-occupied with other things and it went on much longer than it should of
so heres the bottom line, my pool was broken and because of it your getting a bunch of free money
along with other miners who were around at that time
Although I am going to give half of it back to Unthinkingbit because he was always very generous and nice person and I hope the coins go into doing something good for Devcoin , I really dont need them.
Ill let you know the amount later today