No problem to report, just giving some data.
I finally bought a 7970 for my gaming/mining hybrid rig, and been running solid for the last few days, only shutting down the miner briefly while gaming.
[3/27/12 10:46:41 PM] accepted block 11712 from Tahiti (#1)
[3/27/12 10:46:52 PM] accepted block 11713 from Tahiti (#1)
[3/27/12 10:47:02 PM] accepted block 11714 from Tahiti (#1)
[3/27/12 10:47:04 PM] accepted block 11715 from Tahiti (#1)
mhash: 622.4/622.1 | accept: 11715 | reject: 8 | hw error: 0
12.2 drivers, nothing funny installed just a normal driver install minus the cat control center.
Using MSI afterburner latest beta, clocktweak doesn't seem to work with the 7970.
Voltage 1031 Core 1050Mhz Mem 710Mhz
Fan at 66%, but my card is the new dual fan sapphire which is nearly silent at that level*.
Very happy. Not the cheapest source for it's level of mhash, but for my gaming PC where I don't want to deal with crossfire and I just want a strong single GPU it's perfect.
*Nearly silent as in I can't hear it over my CPU fan... it's not truly silent though and if my CPU was water cooled the GPU fans would be very noticeable.
Your overclock settings might be (partially) be rejected, 7970s won't let you underclock memory more than 150mhz below the core speed. Double check and make sure its actually ay 710, its probably not. Other than that, you should be getting about 630 mhash @ 1050mhz. Make sure you're using -v 1 -w 256 without -na, and that you're using 12.2 with 12.2's OpenCL runtime (its newer than what SDK 2.6 ships, do not install 2.6 on top of 12.2).