Also with this card I can not see flash videos (I hade no problems with 5770 and SDK 2.1) becouse the miner also crashes.
From the data I am unable to reach to any conclussions as with some config OC or unlicking doesn't improve a bit, -v 34 is a good number, -v 37 just gives 22% of HW errors... Anyway my best setup is -v 3 -w 192 similar to -v2 -w 64 but a hell more stable
There is a significative drop in MHs when the nonces are exhausted, it seems a thread just sits waiting while we must have some unused nonces from other threads, and also the spureus errors but ina lesser extent.
Not sure if this info will be valuable for someone else but here it is for reference.
If it crashes after 2 hours of OC, you might be OCing too far.
Im surprised any of the 30s do anything reasonable at all.
Most people find -v 2, 3, and 19 to be the best with some -w setting tuning it.
It doesnt nonce steal because it costs nothing to get more... if you're pool mining and your network has a lot of lag this can screw stuff up, but it looks like you were solo mining, which leads me to believe low -f values on Windows are screwing over bitcoin due to Window's craptastic scheduler.
Also, benchmarking on low -f values are difficult. Due to Windows' broken clock implementation, the first number (the 15 second avg) reports rather random values. The only way to stop that is to run for at least 5 minutes and use the second number (the forever average) only.
Other than that, interesting table.