Whenever I try to use -v setting besides 6, 21, or not using it at all I receive the following error:
[5/17/11 6:07:03 PM] Started
[5/17/11 6:07:03 PM] Connecting to: http://mining.bitcoin.cz:8332
Invalid memory access of location 0x111c74000 rip=0x7fff88f1b502
./DiabloMiner-OSX.sh: line 3: 9717 Segmentation fault java -Xmx16m -cp target/libs/*:target/DiabloMiner.jar -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.library.path=target/libs/natives/macosx com.diablominer.DiabloMiner.DiabloMiner $@
I really have no idea what the problem is.
Also, I'm running a Radeon 5770.
If I use no -v then my khash/sec hovers at around 80~86
If I use -v 6 then my khash/sec hovers at around 10~14
If I use -v 21 then my khash/sec hovers at round 30~35
Are these figures normal? Are they affected by anything else in the system? Sorry if these types of questions have been addressed before, but I tried to search and it turned up nothing valuable.
Thank you very much in advance