Just chiming in, on windows, you need to create a bitcoin.conf file and define your rpc username and pw in order to be able to launch 'bitcoin.exe -daemon', then you use the username and pw you specify here to call diablo's miner
likely located in C:\Users\[your win username]\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf in win7
And I cannot recall where that would go in XP off hand, but wherever the rest of the bitcoin stuff is stored
Also, I don't think that java is appended to PATH by default, so you will probably want to add that as well to use 'java' from the command line
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin
win32 patched getwork binaries at:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/python-opencl-bitcoin-miner-1334 No longer needed
I've managed to get the miner and open CL working kinda with my AMD 5830. I can also authenticate to bitcoinpool.com.
I assume the -u and -l switched are for the username and password to connect to the pool. There is mention of "rpc" which I assume is a remote procedure call? Does the Diablo *require* bitcoin run with the -daemon (windows service) switch to work?
I've tried running bitcoin -daemon, it just brings up the bitcoin Window as normal. I've also tried running bitcoind.exe, the daemon directly, it appears in task manager, but I have no way of verifying if it is accepting rpc calls. Also where does the Diablo miner get to know what rpc passwords to use?, does it just read the bitcoin.conf file and pass them on to bitcoin?
I can get bitcoin to generate hashes normally, but whenever I try to run the Java Diablo miner it keeps saying it can't connect to bitcoin.
ERROR: Can't connect to Bitcoin: Bitcoin disconnected during
I assumed getting Open CL to work would be the hardest thing, it seems something really simply must be wrong here, but I can't see what.
I'm using latest version of Windows 7 64 bit and Java downloaded today.By the way it says I'm getting about 40K hashes, I was getting 1K from each CPU before, big difference.
EDIT: I typed .\bitcoind.exe "" to check if rpc was working I got the following,
error: {"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found"}
So I assume rpc IS working, just that the Java Diablo can't connect for some weird reason?