Many people I know only open their wallet once every few months. I know some people who haven't upgraded in years but still hold DGB in full nodes.
The fact is we have had 270,000 full nodes downloads the past 24 months. It's verifiable GitHub data. Which DOES NOT even include git clone data. So in fact that # doesn't include how most services like exchanges and pools upgrade which is cloning from source. Ourselves included for stuff like digihash and digiexplorer.
So there have been more than 270k full node installs. But we can't verify the git clone data. But total download/install count is actually higher. Perhaps 10-20% higher.
Sure some of those 270k downloads are the same people upgrading different versions. And as more wallet providers have come into the ecosystem the past two years many people switched to those wallets like Exodus, ledger etc. Before August 2017 you really only had a choice of core wallet, go wallet or the old mobile wallet. Core wallet was most secure.
But the reality is many people only upgrade or check their wallet during massive price movements. So if we see a massive price movement right before the July 19th fork and all the sudden a majority of these old nodes com online because people think "hot damn" I'm rich now. We could be in for trouble. As all the sudden these old nodes become a majority. That's why it's important to get these people that don't follow us daily to upgrade.
Also, people need to know that when they look at a single nodes peer info that's not a very good look at current node count. Single peers often only have around 150 peers. A prime example can be seen here where Chainz only has 69 peers on 7.27.2 out of 123 connections. Yet when I check DGB seed1 it has 183 connections with 72 of them being 7.17.2 nodes.!network
And since we are 100% certain we have had 1200 full node upgrades the past 6 days our seed nodes and Chainz are only really seeing 5% of upgraded nodes.