As all PoW-Coins DGB will dissapear within the next 12-24 months, if they dont switch to PoS. PoW has no future. It is an ecological disaster and it is completely in chinese hands. Noone will trust a currency that is in the end controlled by china.
Ether recognized that fact. Thats why i am sure, that Ether will be number one crypto in 12 months at latest.
The algo switching they plan right now, seems to me, as they are not thinking about changing form PoW to PoS. This is what makes me quite afraid. They should have taken this effort they put into this algo switching thing to do the PoW to PoS - switch.
The fact, that they exclude a complete groupd of miners (Baikal), is the next thing, DGB will regret, as this group will left the DGB project. The reasons they tell for it are ridiculous.
First, there are no ASIC-resistant algortihms. In best case there are some "few months" ASIC-resistant algorithms.
Second, they do it for decentralization reasons, but they keep the two most centralized algorithms...
But ok, i tried to tell them. The only thing i got back from them was insults for me... They can do whatever they want to. My Baikals are paid and made me some huge profits. So i am fine.
I made a lot of money with dgb, but i sold everything to get into a much better, promising PoS-Project... The future of crypto is PoS not PoW.
All currencies that miss this part and do not switch in time will be lost in my opinion...
Nobody cares about the power used. The power generators love the extra profits. POW, IMO, is far superior to POS. POS rewards rich fat cats. POW anybody can do if the algo is ASIC resistant.
right lol no body cares about power
did you see what happen to all the pos coins out there from years? they no where
why suddenly it will change lol
people goes where the profit is
and actually it could have bad effect on eth price after they go to pos it could drop
but if dgb ad pos and keep 5 pow algo could only be good
but last time we speak about it here (2-3 month ago? they say no way they will stick to pos)
we also suggested replace 1 pow algo by poc (hard drive mining) but they said no
3 months are like eternity in crypto. It is obviously that PoW will die in the next years. The ecological disaster is only one thing about it. The much more important reason is that any PoW-Coin will be controlled in long term from chinese hardware manufacturers. We can talk about that in 2 years again. PoW-Coins has to change to PoS (or maybe PoC or something else) or they will die... That is my suggestion... And again, this includes Bitcoin. The problem with bitcoin is, that there community is caught in that Satoshi Nakamoto idea and they do decline nearly all progress. The idea is great, but i am sure, whoe ever Satoshi Nakamoto was/is, he never would have wanted, that there should be no progress or improvement of his idea. This is even worse with bitcoin cash, but anyway bitcoin cash is the best example for the chinese control thing. BCH is nothing else than Bitmain's centralized, private Coin. I never understood how anyone could buy this shitcoin...
So it would be good news to hear, that the DGB-Team seems to understand, that mining is going to die. They could have done that three months ago, when i told them, but it seems they were not ready to do so at this time. But better late than never...