Any further thought about some emission control?
The one approach that I like best is to have a max stake reward, thus capping the overall number of coins that can be generated per day, while keeping the original 2000% stake percentage (depending on how aggressive or relaxed is the staking competition at any given time).
Even a high'ish number would be a good solution, would just come into play later, say, 100 CUBE max per stake for example.
At the current rates with compounding, conservatively estimating that one would stake once every 5 days, the effective result is about a gazzillion more than 2000% yearly.
The ideais very good
up to 500cube --> 25 cube daily reward
up to 1000 cube --> 50 cube daily reward
up to 2000 cube --> 100 cube daily reward
over 2000cube reward still also 100 cube