I have a problem to share.
My country is average. They are too familiar with outdated and old technologies.
In my country many people still understand Bitcoin as virtual currency. BTC does not bring anything to life. They just think Bitcoin investment is gambling, chance, black red.
Why do not they look at Bitcoin, ETH or blockchain technology for the present.
Blockchain minimizes transportation costs, intermediates and risks.
Personally, I always try to absorb and learn nonstop.
And you? How is your country?
Apart from the understanding of different digital currency,particularly on cryptocurrencies that being decentralize sit on the blockchain technology will have a powerful impact globally much sooner than later in today's digital world. Which means we cannot get away from the fast growing technology because we will be left behind if we won't adapt.
I know with time they will be educated on Cryptocurrency. Same happened in era of Internet. Most people that thought it's gambling will come back and learn from you.