Suggestion - When I click on a play, show the limit on the 1st screen (the screen where I input my btc address for winnings to be sent), not on the next page.
If the limit is less than I'm looking for, I'd rather save the time and not have to go to the 2nd screen.
Thanks for your suggestion, we will look into it.
Would you please PM me which bet you were interested in that had a low maximum bet size ? How much were you interested in betting ?
Please also note that you can bet more than the stated maximum, you don't necessarily have to skip the bet.
If you'd like to bet more than the maximum advised, you have two options :
1) Send the maximum advised. After your bet is confirmed, we will most likely be able to accept another bet, possibly at reduced odds. Refresh the Bet Status page or re-order the bet to determine how much more you can send.
2) Send more than the maximum advised using the 'Flexible Odds' or 'Negotiate Odds' betting options. We will attempt to confirm your larger bet at slightly reduced odds. If we are unable to accept the bet and you used the 'Flexible Odds' option, your bet will be rejected immediately and refunded after 1 confirmation, and the rejection message will tell you what is the maximum amount that you can resend as well as the bet odds. If on the other hand you used the 'Negotiate Odds' option, your bet will be set to Negotiate state and it will be confirmed if and when your stake and odds requirements are met. At any case, do not send an amount that upon winning, will net profit more than 7.75 BTC, as such a bet will most likely get rejected. For example, if the bet decimal odds is 1.5, do not send more than 15 BTC.
"Would you please PM me which bet you were interested in that had a low maximum bet size ? How much were you interested in betting ?"
Not a particular bet in this case, just in general I've been meaning to suggest this.
"If you'd like to bet more than the maximum advised, ...
2) Send more than the maximum advised using the 'Flexible Odds' or 'Negotiate Odds' betting options. We will attempt to confirm your larger bet at slightly reduced odds. If we are unable to accept the bet and you used the 'Flexible Odds' option, your bet will be rejected immediately and refunded after 1 confirmation, and the rejection message will tell you what is the maximum amount that you can resend as well as the bet odds. If on the other hand you used the 'Negotiate Odds' option, your bet will be set to Negotiate state and it will be confirmed if and when your stake and odds requirements are met. At any case, do not send an amount that upon winning, will net profit more than 7.75 BTC, as such a bet will most likely get rejected. For example, if the bet decimal odds is 1.5, do not send more than 15 BTC."
I can't imagine myself ever making a bet using "Flexible" or "Negotiate".
My suggestion applies even more so to my deciding to make the bet at DirectBet, but if your limit is less than I want I'd rather bet the extra amount at another book first where I don't have to send btc as it's faster to do that plus I'll get an immediate acceptance (unless the line changes as I'm betting it), and then send to DirectBet.
But it wastes time for me to have to input my info and then click to get to the 2nd screen.
And sometimes I want to know what your limit is on a particular sport or event but I have to do the extra step to find out.