Hey, everybody!
So, I assisted GB during the vote-counting phase this year, and because I (like most programmers) have
way more energy for coding than I do for manual labor, I decided to try and automate it, and I figured that some of you might find the approach I settled on to be interesting.
I knew going in that people weren't going to (reliably) follow the format that icopress asked for, so trying to
completely automate it was never going to work. Also, especially with a matter as sacred as
pizza, I wanted to steer well clear of automation-related counting mistakes. So, in the end, the design I arrived at left some room for that all-important
human touch.
Basically, I realized that although there was a lot of (structural) variation in the votes (some people used
[code] tags, some people used
[quote] tags, some people just wrote out their choices normally, etc.), it was always possible to
select the single piece of their post's text that corresponded to their choices...
So, what I did was write a little browser extension (starting from
this) that added a new "Process Vote" button next to each post in that topic:
With the relevant part of the post selected (as above) you then click "Process Vote" which parses the selected text and annotates it with the voter's details (collected from the surrounding post). The cleaned-up and annotated vote is then added to an internal data structure before the selection is cleared and the button changes appearance (both to signal to you that that vote has already been handled, and to let you inspect the result of the pre-parsing step):
The pre-parsing step in particular is pretty interesting (IMHO), because all it does is replace every non-digit with a space, and then every sequence of spaces with a single space, before removing any spaces from the beginning and the end, leaving you with a nice single-space-separated list of numbers. This turned out to be robust enough to correctly handle every vote. Here's a (slightly unrealistic, because I would have selected only part of the message, not the whole thing) step-by-step example (with slashes in place of spaces for the middle two steps to make them easier to see):
Hey, I vote for #1, #2 and #3 (and 4 too if self-voting is permitted).
1 2 3 4
(I mean, in JavaScript, I could just as well have avoided the above sequence and instead turned the selected text into an array with something like [...selectedText.matchAll(/[0-9]+/g)], but that didn't occur to me at the time, only now as I'm writing this post.)Anyway, once you're satisfied that you've "processed" every vote in the topic, the (now uniform and machine-readable) votes are then exported into a Python script that does the actual counting. That counting process produces (amongst other things) a "log" for people to check if they wanted to confirm that their votes were recorded correctly:
$crypto$ voted for the following pizzas: #39, #111, #30, #19, #53
1miau voted for the following pizzas: #3, #42, #50, #92, #111
5tift voted for the following pizzas: #100, #15, #42, #76, #18
_BlackStar voted for the following pizzas: #28, #67, #30, #7
ABCbits voted for the following pizzas: #42, #76, #92, #88, #69
AHOYBRAUSE voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #74, #92, #100
airfinex voted for the following pizzas: #84, #15, #17, #74, #4
ajiz138 voted for the following pizzas: #92, #88, #62, #53, #39
Ale88 voted for the following pizzas: #19, #39, #64, #74, #103
alegotardo voted for the following pizzas: #7, #22, #15, #42, #17
aliveNFT voted for the following pizzas: #3, #22, #15, #74, #97
Amphenomenon voted for the following pizzas: #53, #88, #42, #39, #73
aoluain voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #30, #42, #90
apogio voted for the following pizzas: #39, #92, #96, #99, #111
Asuspawer09 voted for the following pizzas: #7, #22, #53, #39, #86
avp2306 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #53, #30, #19, #105
babo voted for the following pizzas: #103, #15, #42, #62, #106
BABY SHOES voted for the following pizzas: #53, #62, #3, #22, #30
Baoo voted for the following pizzas: #92, #42, #33, #19, #22
bastisisca voted for the following pizzas: #42, #103, #15, #69, #106
BC.GAME voted for the following pizza: #15
Becassine voted for the following pizzas: #11, #15, #42, #62, #99
bitbollo voted for the following pizzas: #92, #103, #22, #99, #89
bitcoin_mining voted for the following pizzas: #42, #53, #30, #38, #19
Bitcoin_people voted for the following pizzas: #99, #15, #22, #62, #111
BitcoinGirl.Club voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #39, #42, #74
Bitcoinsummoner voted for the following pizzas: #4, #12, #33, #87, #94
BlackHatCoiner voted for the following pizzas: #42, #92, #101, #15, #100
Btcdeybodi voted for the following pizzas: #2, #22, #42, #62, #70
bullrun2024bro voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #42, #74, #99
Cantsay voted for the following pizzas: #53, #22, #62, #97, #42
Chilwell voted for the following pizzas: #20, #92
Churchillvv voted for the following pizzas: #22, #42, #53, #39, #95
CLS63 voted for the following pizzas: #22, #2, #42, #39, #74
creep_o voted for the following pizzas: #42, #103, #106, #22
Cricktor voted for the following pizzas: #19, #30, #33, #96, #103
criptoevangelista voted for the following pizzas: #19, #42, #97, #100, #53
crwth voted for the following pizzas: #42, #22, #62, #103, #111
cryptofrka voted for the following pizzas: #42, #53, #99, #19, #22
cyberpunk01 voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
cygan voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #42, #62, #99
DaNNy001 voted for the following pizzas: #22, #103, #2, #99, #42
dansus021 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #111, #22, #62, #92
darkangel11 voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #62, #103, #111
darxiaomi voted for the following pizzas: #42, #58, #64, #74, #97
Davidvictorson voted for the following pizzas: #92, #70
Despairo voted for the following pizzas: #22, #42, #69, #74, #97
dkbit98 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #74, #111, #45, #2
DrBeer voted for the following pizzas: #92, #22, #19, #30, #42
DYING_S0UL voted for the following pizzas: #11, #30, #36, #53, #57
Eclipse33 voted for the following pizzas: #92, #97, #111
Essential10 voted for the following pizzas: #22, #30, #42, #4, #73
examplens voted for the following pizzas: #2, #22, #45, #111, #88
EXC24 voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
F2b voted for the following pizzas: #87, #88, #103
Faisal2202 voted for the following pizzas: #15, #37, #39, #53, #102
famososMuertos voted for the following pizzas: #39, #42, #58, #64, #74
Fara Chan voted for the following pizzas: #99, #53, #62, #108, #72
Farhan99 voted for the following pizzas: #20, #41, #60, #72, #90
Felicity_Tide voted for the following pizzas: #22, #42, #53, #62, #99
fillippone voted for the following pizzas: #15, #42, #53, #92, #106
FinePoine0 voted for the following pizzas: #33, #42, #97, #106, #54
fruktik voted for the following pizzas: #15, #3, #23, #52, #74
G.Seed voted for the following pizzas: #87, #56, #34, #89, #23
GazetaBitcoin voted for the following pizzas: #15, #106, #103, #102, #82
giammangiato voted for the following pizzas: #42, #103, #15, #106, #99
goldkingcoiner voted for the following pizzas: #97, #42, #62, #99, #112
GrosWesh voted for the following pizzas: #53, #37, #87
GxSTxV voted for the following pizzas: #15, #17, #42, #39, #53
Hamza2424 voted for the following pizzas: #37, #100, #102
Hatchy voted for the following pizzas: #111, #53, #92, #88, #94
Haunebu voted for the following pizzas: #33, #48, #62, #74, #92
HeRetiK voted for the following pizzas: #2, #20, #30, #42, #92
HONDACD125 voted for the following pizzas: #15, #19, #22, #23, #92
icopress voted for the following pizzas: #4, #97, #74, #42, #39
inspace voted for the following pizzas: #15, #42, #74, #17, #4
ITExpert voted for the following pizzas: #10, #37, #25, #102, #111
Jawhead999 voted for the following pizzas: #111, #103, #91, #82, #41
jayce voted for the following pizzas: #92, #87, #88, #45, #15
johnsaributua voted for the following pizzas: #6, #14, #22, #24, #58
joker_josue voted for the following pizzas: #15, #22, #53, #62, #111
julerz12 voted for the following pizzas: #15, #33, #50, #62, #111
JunaidAzizi voted for the following pizzas: #37, #33, #46, #92, #102
JusticeSolus voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
kawetsriyanto voted for the following pizzas: #42, #22, #17, #19, #53
klarki voted for the following pizzas: #111, #97, #86, #88, #62
kro55 voted for the following pizzas: #99, #42, #15, #19, #62
krogothmanhattan voted for the following pizzas: #92, #17, #19, #74, #42
Lannakosa voted for the following pizzas: #15, #22, #53, #74, #97
Lillominato89 voted for the following pizzas: #103, #15, #42, #66, #106
lovesmayfamilis voted for the following pizzas: #28, #45, #87, #88, #64
LoyceV voted for the following pizzas: #42, #74, #39, #97, #100
Ludmilla_rose1995 voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #40, #62, #99
m2017 voted for the following pizzas: #37, #42, #53, #77, #110
Mate2237 voted for the following pizzas: #2, #22, #45, #111, #88
Mauser voted for the following pizzas: #19, #23, #53, #73
Mayor of ogba voted for the following pizzas: #99, #94, #70, #62, #53
mcrey11 voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
Medusah voted for the following pizzas: #4, #16, #39, #42, #99
mendace voted for the following pizzas: #42, #103, #106
mikeywith voted for the following pizzas: #53, #42, #100
Mill3sim3 voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
minerjones voted for the following pizzas: #92, #74, #42, #97, #3
MinoRaiola voted for the following pizzas: #42, #74, #88, #100
mole0815 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #100, #53, #22, #15
N.O voted for the following pizzas: #29, #55, #75, #90
nakamura12 voted for the following pizzas: #22, #19, #92, #103, #111
Nalain420 voted for the following pizzas: #18, #55, #77, #90
Nanga Parbat voted for the following pizzas: #37, #102, #90, #98, #55
nc50lc voted for the following pizzas: #42, #19, #74, #22, #111
NebulaMiner voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
NeuroticFish voted for the following pizzas: #39, #42, #92
Nheer voted for the following pizzas: #53, #74, #92, #17
notblox1 voted for the following pizzas: #15, #19, #33, #41, #92
nutildah voted for the following pizzas: #17, #45, #77, #83, #111
o48o voted for the following pizzas: #42, #103, #53, #39, #62
paid2 voted for the following pizzas: #87, #92
Pandorak voted for the following pizzas: #92, #42, #53, #99, #74
Paolo.Demidov voted for the following pizzas: #42, #62, #103, #106
pawanjain voted for the following pizzas: #42, #97, #103, #100, #111
pawel7777 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #74, #92, #100, #97
Peanutswar voted for the following pizzas: #20, #33, #53, #89, #92
Perfectbaby voted for the following pizzas: #27, #54, #75, #84, #112
pinggoki voted for the following pizzas: #30, #53, #74, #88, #99
Plaguedeath voted for the following pizzas: #53, #88, #96, #103, #41
Pmalek voted for the following pizzas: #22, #30, #53, #62, #72
Popkon6 voted for the following pizzas: #50, #22, #111, #3, #62
Porfirii voted for the following pizzas: #42, #53, #88, #101, #111
Potato Chips voted for the following pizzas: #2, #42, #111, #74, #17
promise444c5 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #19, #74, #77, #101
Publictalk792 voted for the following pizzas: #37, #19, #74, #102, #92
PX-Z voted for the following pizzas: #19, #42, #53, #62, #99
rachael9385 voted for the following pizzas: #22, #33, #54, #42, #99
rdluffy voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #39, #42, #105
Real-Duke voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #42, #88, #100
Renampun voted for the following pizzas: #16, #42, #99, #100, #111
Rizzrack voted for the following pizzas: #22, #39, #42, #74
Rockstarguy voted for the following pizzas: #2, #22, #62, #81, #94
rosenbauer02 voted for the following pizzas: #22, #42, #52, #92, #102
Rustam Meraj voted for the following pizzas: #37, #46, #74, #102, #110
SamReomo voted for the following pizzas: #16, #19, #22, #42, #99
satscraper voted for the following pizzas: #23, #19, #22
shahzadafzal voted for the following pizzas: #22, #19, #15, #62, #42
shasan voted for the following pizza: #92
sheenshane voted for the following pizzas: #92, #37, #54, #89
SirJohnVonSlotty voted for the following pizzas: #4, #15, #19, #42, #74
snowpega voted for the following pizzas: #37, #102, #101, #92, #62
sokani voted for the following pizzas: #92, #2, #111, #3
Stable090 voted for the following pizza: #92
Strongkored voted for the following pizzas: #17, #19, #33, #40, #50
STT voted for the following pizzas: #97, #15, #19
Swordsoffreedom voted for the following pizzas: #62, #53, #22, #41, #2
tabas voted for the following pizzas: #4, #9, #22, #41, #42
tech30338 voted for the following pizzas: #3, #22, #53, #99
ThemePen voted for the following pizzas: #37, #92, #62, #102, #110
theymos voted for the following pizzas: #42, #97, #19, #22, #111
TryNinja voted for the following pizzas: #15, #22, #42, #99, #100
Turbartuluk voted for the following pizzas: #19, #39, #41, #74, #88
tvplus006 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #74, #97, #100
ultrloa voted for the following pizzas: #16, #22, #30, #68, #111
un_rank voted for the following pizzas: #19, #22, #23, #57, #97
Unknown Op voted for the following pizzas: #37, #102, #90
victorhing voted for the following pizzas: #74, #88, #17, #102, #109
wmaurik voted for the following pizzas: #99, #41, #36, #62, #92
Wonder Work voted but was disqualified due to lack of earned merits.
Woodie voted for the following pizzas: #53, #62, #111, #3, #15
worldofcoins voted for the following pizzas: #6, #7, #66, #92, #107
Xal0lex voted for the following pizzas: #39, #50, #57, #73, #87
xenomorfo voted for the following pizzas: #42, #103, #106
xLays voted for the following pizzas: #77, #69, #19, #42, #22
yahoo62278 voted for the following pizzas: #42, #15, #77
yazher voted for the following pizzas: #33, #39, #46, #88, #105
ZAINmalik75 voted for the following pizzas: #102, #92, #37, #42, #48
Zwei voted for the following pizzas: #20, #72, #77, #109, #111
(While I'm on the topic of this year's voting, I'd like to apologize for the confusion I caused early on by pointing out that IRV is an
ordinal voting method, and that, therefore, the order of your choices is important. The now-removed mention of "Instant Runoff Voting" by icopress jumped out at me because I figured I would have to research and correctly implement that algorithm. I mean, I was technically right to point out what I did, but I probably should have just cleared things up with icopress over PM instead of including voters into the confusion, too.)