Also, you're wrong, I do not mention I'm a girl at every opportunity, read my other posts and you will see, tons of them.
Yes, when people come on here and act too much like what they think girls act like it's too blatant!!! <--- look overuse of exclamation marks - I'm a girl too!!! I already explained previously in your Beginners thread why your behaviour seems very suspicious. And I didn't say you do it every post but at every available opportunity. If there's a thread on What's your favourite alcoholic drink you'd probably say it's "Pink Champaign, because I'm a girl". The constant reinforcement along with other tell-tale signs just always rings alarm bells. I really dont think anybody cares about your gender as much as you seem to do.
Well I'm sorry that im not butch enough for you, sorry I don't blend in and my msgs come across too girly on here, but what do u expect!!! lol. I just can't win with guys like you. Boo.