I wonder.
It looks like the people posting here don't have that much btc/cash/funds and are almost all small fish. One of the reasons is of course the bounty hunters. People with >100btc don't need bounties. People with >1000btc don't need this forum lol... So I wonder, all the fud, shilling etc here. Does it really have an impact on prices? I tend to believe we are all manipulated big time by real whales with 100's and 1000's of btc. If a group of eth hodlers of several 100k eth decide together: let's go down today, then we will go down. When prices are down enough they decide to go up. Thoughts? This pattern is the most obvious on reall small exchanges with bullshit coins. Look at some of them! You KNOW they are worth nothing and all of a sudden they moon and drop.
First of all, you cannot guarantee that there are no big whales posting here on this forum which do bounties or just want some answers to their questions and to socialize with like minded people. Judging by your rank, I think that you have already been here for quite some time. Now, of all that time you spent here, haven't you figured out yet that this forum is not just for bounties or jobs that can earn you money? Clearly, this forum contains a lot of information and news that are mostly about cryptos that can really change the way any person sees the crypto world and help him/her to know what is the best course of action on a specific thing that a lot of people here has went through already that shared their experiences.
Apart from that, being a crypto lover/user op, are you not addicted to the thought of earning? If you have a hundred to a thousand bitcoins in your wallet, will you lose the urge to earn more? I don't think so. Because clearly, you will need to use those cryptos that you own and they will probably run out if you do not manage to earn more. Now, ways into earning them may vary due to the capabilities that are added up to you when your funds get bigger. But bottom line is that this forum can really help big time with every way you can think of that you wanna use to earn more.
Oh, and by the way, a million people having a dollar to invest on a crypto is equivalent to a million dollar investment which means we do have an impact. although not the same as anyone richer or less fortunate, we still have an impact.
Hope this clears things up for you, have a good day.
I agree with you 100% but that's because you missed my point (so did a lot of others). I'm not claiming that this forum as a whole doesn't have an impact. The impact is huge. It is in fact one of the most influential fora I have ever witnessed (if not the). But that's not my point. My point is the impact on prices are not made by the 'this community is great' or 'devs really work hard' kind of random BS people post (spread out in 80 words in order to be ok with the bounty manager). Prices are made by whales.
I've been here for a while indeed. Long enough to know that there are people here who don't invest 1-2 eth in an ico but 1000. Let's say the people behind an ico is one of these whales. Without even touching the 20k eth they got from the ico (which are monitored obviously), they use their big pockets in order to boost an ico. All of a sudden it's x3-x100, then they sell, it goes down, and up and down. We all know these charts (go look at any exchange). Pure manipulation. And my point is that it isn't always (!) new development, new exchanges, news updates or whatever everybody likes to fill pages and pages with that causes the ups and downs, it's the whales. THEY decide.
To be clear with y'all: I'm fine with that! It's an interesting field/world but please look at it from an outsiders/regular perspective: it's not normal that just an idea gets 50million dollars upfront, goes to the market and is even valued and bought more. It's not normal that something goes +1000% in a week and the week after -80%. And the posting here may have some impact, the marketing (armies) behind it even some more. But the real impact is the manipulation, let's be clear about that.