To me I believe that Agnosticism is the only mentally stable belief about God. Atheism I can understand but religion followers are 100% mental.
There's no way if there is a God that he endorses one of the popular sects wholesale.
I think if there's a God or God-like force it is something unimaginable to mankind. I find it interesting that there are Atheists who also believe we might be living in a simulation.
If we were living in a simulation would the simulators not be our God or would the simulators have their own God? Who created God?
The bang part of Big Bang is essentially not understandable. There is no way to determine if cause and effect were part of whatever came before BB, because we know nothing of the physics of it. Indeed, we know very little of the physics of our own universe. So, how can we tell if something cause BB? "Cause" is something that pertains to our universe, and we don't know if it pertains to things outside of our universe.
God is greater than BB as Creator. Before He created the universe, there existed something that might have been completely different than the physics of the universe. There is no way to know if God exists according to any of the laws of physics of this universe, except that God tells us. And God has told us that He is eternal - no beginning or end. Because of this, He could not have had a creator or causative agent.
BB results are observable, God is not. Your saying that God is a creator is a conjecture. Not even a theory.
That's a strange thing coming from a guy who studied the Bible.
God creating the universe is scientific fact:
BADecker's evidence in a nutshell......
Link 1
Machine like nature of the universe.
Cause and effect
Nations looking for God?
BADecker believes that all machines are ultimately the result of a god.
Link 2
Cause and effect
Link 3
Cause and effect
Link 4
Cause and effect
Cause and effect rebuttal
If cause and effect is proof of a god, then who made god? Was it god's god? And who made god's god? was it god's god's god? This is a cycle of infinity. This is no proof.
BADecker simply applies an assumption that this a god. Machines like nature of the universe rebuttal
BADecker believes that machines need a maker and that maker has to be a god. The reality of this is that evolution has caused the changes. BADecker then claims that this is only theory. The reality is that science is disproving/proving all theories we (humans) have believed for years. That is the nature of science. For it to be tested by others. People like BADecker will continually use their same argument of assumptions to state there is no proof that god does not exist. The reality is that history has shown that early Vikings believed "lightning flashed whenever Thor threw his hammer". Science has proven this incorrect.
Nations looking for god rebuttal
BADecker claims that people are looking for how the universe was made. This is true. However, BADecker then claims that because the answers are still not found, the answer must be a god. WRONG.... this is not proof. This is an assumption again on BADecker's part. Science is unlocking secrets every day. Religion is being disproven daily and BADecker continues to hold on to his mindless views.