The Bible has never been shown to be incorrect. Only ignorant people say it has.
The Bible is a written record, laid down by the people who were witnesses. The Bible is truth.
The magic of the christian holy book comes out nicely in these verses:
2 Peter1:20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by
the prophet's own interpretation of things.
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
The holy book is 100% not a product of any man or any woman whatsoever. It is, in fact, according to the scriptures itself - so that it could be fulfilled, as prophesied earlier on - also a 100% breathing of God, to be a wholly Godly product. God is the only one who could ever be able to not only (magically) breath the holy book 100%, but also make sure that 0% of any of the
homo sapienses who was used (taken over 100% by God) to written it in zombie-like fashion, stood in HIS way for putting that holy book (a compilation of a lot of smaller holy scripts) together for us all, over the ages, (so that) right until the end of time, when He will execute His judgement upon all ungodly- and godly sinners (of whom none can boast to have contributed even a fraction of a % to the origination of the book), the ultimate goal of the book will come to fruition as He executes judgement. Wow, that is some fantastical magic right there - a wholly Godly product, produced by wholly zombie-like humans. I think God made sure He did it all, because maybe some of those zombie writers might have felt the written pieces didn't make sense and maybe then changed some of the stuff he had to write down. God made sure it came out 100% pure, God-breathed, like it says in the passage. Wow, wow, wow. Simply amazing.