And we are back at the root cause: lack of science education. Do you even know what evolution is?
Why does your imaginary friend creates babies with deadly diseases only to kill them when they are a couple of months old? What kind of monster would do such a thing?
(hint: evolution)
Why did God allow ISIS to operate and commit atrocities in HIS fucking name? He must be approving their methods. If I was the creator of the universe, and someone did
such horrible things as ISIS is doing, I'd just level them and turn the whole fucking Middle East into sand.
There is good and bad, so? What is your point? Your question does not make sense.
Again, do you have any physical evidence of your imaginary friend? If not, this conversation is over and you lost your marbles.
you are being told to beleave in lie, and you are, you beleaving in so called science, thats your truth .
Why is only ISIS here bad there alot of bad people , in the present ,in the past and probably in the future there will be bad peoples.
there is so many evil on the earth you wont beleave it, and its not all coming from middle east. but you dont see or wont see it.
but on the otherhand there is also goodness in this world
God doesnt intervene, God gaves us freewill. you can do what you like , but every step has his consuquents, some good or bad , its all up to you.
i shall quote my self again : without bad there is no good, and without good there no bad
if you dont know what i am talking about, then your not up to the truth,and you will not see it.
but this discussing will end here ( i think) cause i dont have physical evidence ( even if i had some , you wont beleave it) , but clearly your God science does have some , cause your beleaving in science.
Science uses logic and the scientific method. It is the most reliable way of discovering how the world works. No faith is involved. Quite the opposite, everything in science is questioned, until the truth emerges.
Unlike in religion where the truth is given and the 'how' (the world works) is pre-determined by the religious dogma.
Science uses Mathematics, Religion uses Arts (Literature). A big difference.
BTW, everything you touch in the modern life has been created thanks to science, not religion. To call science the 'so called science', this implies that you reject scientific progress/discoveries. What the hell are you doing on Are you lost?
In few generations, religions (faith in imaginary beings) will be treated as a medical condition.
- Albert Einstein
but your right, i shall stop replying to this thread, cause or you dont read my replys, or deny my replys