The first instinct is really from our feelings and self-control, so follow that first instinct.
But when you say that afterwards there is an instinct to keep going and add money to do extra plays, that's a trap.
I felt this and really deceived me, so that in the end I realized that my first choice really shouldn't be ignored.
This also includes self-control before gambling or when playing gambling games.
There really must be control and strategy to be done, don't violate anything so as not to lose your money.
And for betting, you may be able to rely on your instincts, which player or club will win and this is supported by the data analysis that has been done,
because betting does not completely rely on luck.
Some people say that the first thing in your minds can be your instinct while the next thing that comes in your minds will be a trap that will tells you to choose that. But with our experience, we can feel if that is our instinct or the trap that just tempting us to choose and makes us losing our money. I guess many of us have these experienced before but those who can identify if that is their instinct or not will not getting a trap. They can know what they should choose especially if they already analyze the match and find out the team.
But we must still have self control especially when we are sure that our choice will be the winner because many people will place a bet with a big money as they want to win big. They are not thinks if the match is change in the middle of the match. If that is happen, they can lose their big money and nothing can stop that losses.
Yes, that's the reason why I said above that the first thing that should be prioritized is the results of your analysis, both your analysis and instinct lead to two different things, the reason is clear as you said that instinct can be influenced by various things that we do in life, or what I mean is when for example you are feeling happy because of something else then maybe it can increase your self-confidence and then have an instinct about which option you should choose which is actually not the right choice.
Basically, I think instinct is no different from us choosing randomly because there is no reason whatsoever that is the basis for the decision you make. On the other hand, yes, you also suggest a good suggestion, my friend, which is when both of them turn out to lead to two different choices, then we can also choose not to bet at all, because that way we will be in a neutral position or avoid what is called the possibility of risk, one thing that is much more important here is to gamble responsibly and prioritize various things that lead to prevention.
That is why we must learns about the analysis so we can know which team that we can choose and not just rely on our instinct which we don't know if that is real instinct or just a temptation. Maybe we use our instinct to survive in the real life but we can not just use instinct when we want to betting because we have to use analysis to find the right team. Some people will feels confidence and say that their instinct is very sharp so they can count on that to know what they should choose.
We can not say that is wrong because we can not change their minds to say like that. We can only say to them to be careful of what they will choose and not regret if their choice is wrong and accept the loss. They can use my suggestion not to place any bet if they have two option but they are not sure with both so they don't risk their money by placing the bet. That will be better for them because they can use the money for another bet.