I have had this experience on several occasion were I would be having this feelings to bet on a particular game which sometimes I ignore and the game turn out to be a perfect one and in some cases I bet and win and also when my instinct does not allow me to bet I just go ahead for fun and it turns out to be a bad one though which I just did for fun but at the entire end I have this feelings in me that I should not have gambled that game maybe I should have just watched for fun and do my things. It just happens sometimes that we do have that feelings and when it occurs, some are sensitive enough to listen to their instinct while some do not really understand why they feel that way and after playing, they have a bad time and call it a luck based thing. Do you really have such experience sometimes when you want to gamble? and if you do how was the turn of event when you listened to your instinct and also the other way round.
Yes money is on the line and not at all times advisable to rely on instincts but sometimes technical analysis could be carefully considered before making any decision so as not to regret aftermath. Sometimes, if we can, we can just allow our instinct lead us through but if we doubt the process, then we can as well do our analysis to factor out the possible outcome or result of whatever the play may be. But above all, we should know that in every game played, there must be a winner and there must be a looser so the results varies and our inputs according to our analytical view.