It would be awesome to have a coin that doesn't have negative volatility, but that would be impossible owing to the fact that volatility by its meaning is up and down movement in the value of the cryptocurrency. If there was no negative volatility, Crytocurrency would have be regarded as the best investment one can embark upon for maximum return without risk of losses.
These are the conditions for an ideal crypto currency laid down in my project It is available to everyone who wants to purchase it (for mining).
2. It is produced by the financial resource of the ETH holders.
3. It has only positive volatility, therefore, It cannot be reset (merged).
4. Its free amount cannot be more than 10 percent of the total emission of the ETH.
5. It regulates the unrestricted emission of ETH in the network.
6. This crypto currency is a symbiosis of two tokens ETH-WORLD and ETH working in pairs and mutually compensating each other.
7. This currency cannot be controlled and it only obeys a simple economic law.