Do you need a coin that does not have negative volatility?
1. Is it possible?
2. If not possible, why?
Questions of an amateur, what do you think?
What do you mean by negative volatility? Volatility means the price will go up and down, but if you weigh the overall movement of bitcoin for instance, you can say it's positive especially for long term.
For other coins, it's hard to find that as if bitcoin is already volatile, altcoins are more volatile.
Not a stablecoin pegged to the dollar or fiat.
There's no volatility for stable coins, so for sure this is not what you are trying to imply or ask.
You are right that stablecoins have no volatility, they have another drawback, they can be reset to zero, all Stablecoins that are allegedly provided by the "ghost of money" buried in an unknown place and whose action can be covered up at any time, as they are manually controlled and who is responsible for their release, is prohibited then personal responsibility.
Bы пpaвы y cтaбильныx мoнeт нe вoлaтильнocти, y ниx дpyгoй нeдocтaтoк иx мoжнo oбнyлить, зaпpeтить вce Stablecoins, кoтopыe якoбы oбecпeчeны «пpизpaкoм дeнeг» xopoнящиxcя нeизвecтнo гдe и дeйcтвиe кoтopыx мoжнo пpикpыть в любoй мoмeнт, тaк кaк oни yпpaвляютcя вpyчнyю и зa иx выпycк нecёт ктo тo пepcoнaльнyю oтвeтcтвeннocть.