So you are telling me that the private key is used to unlock more scripts? And that amount within my wallet that says X amount of BTC the BTC stand for what? You are a perfect example of why I was inclined to create this poll. I am reluctant to believe you even have a wallet set up. If you did,you would see your public key along with what else?Your final balance containing what of?Scripts? No fuckhead,bitcoin. So do me a god damn favor and either post of the topic or don't post at all. Even if you were right (which you are wrong) who gives a damn? You "know what I mean" so why play stupid?So you can feel smarter? Ugh,pitiful.
Yeah you know what really grinds my gears?
I'll tell you,people who pretend that they know what they are talking about when they are really just talking out of their ass.
I guess my humor was wasted than. No reason get out the insults. Since DannyHamilton recently explained it very well (IMHO) Ill just quote him below. I dont feel smarter or smug because I posted it. I thought its funny to post it after a page of "yeah I own bitcoin" posts. I personally think you should give a damn. And whether I own (yes I actually know what you are talking about when you say that, how shocking) bitcoin or not is easy enough to find out if you actually care.
This might sound a bit scary if its the first time you've heard it but: There are no actual bitcoins, and there are no actual addresses at the technical level of how bitcoin operates.
The way the protocol works is that the blockchain stores transactions that list unspent outputs that are to be spent as inputs and new outputs that are to become unspent outputs. The inputs supply a sum of value to the transaction. The new outputs encumber that value with requirements. The most common requirement that an unspent output is encumbered with is a requirement to supply an ECDSA digital signature which must be verifiable with a specific public key. The public key is identified by its RIPEMD-160 hash, which we convert to an "address" to make it easier for humans to work with.
Edit: In case you dont like that I refer to just another user and think that person is wrong also, feel free to consult the dev guide [1] or the sourcecode [2].