On the time that you would really be deciding on taking up some new gambling site then you would really be surely be finding into those qualities that you are looking for.
Same as you said that most of them are really just that look like to each other. Whenever i do see some new platforms then i do really usually make myself that be checking out those criterias that i do have but most of the time i would really be telling and saying that it would really be always best that you should be checking out its credibility via other peoples experience.
Im not the ones who would really be tending to make some initial deposits or start up but rather i do make myself check out those feedbacks first before diving in.
Reputation is indeed important before you jump to an unfamiliar ground. However, if the casino is new, you can't get their status yet as a new player in the business. This is why they are usually offering click bait bonuses or rewards to attract new players. They need to start from somewhere so they need to find activities or create contests that can make people talk about their site. And it is on their hands how will they build their reputation thru time.
Top rated casinos started from being new also, so there's no need for us to look down the new players in the business. Give them time to prove their worth and we will see if they are up to the competition among their peers.
But just to give some few reasons why gamblers are checking out the new guy in the block -
> high deposit bonuses
> low wagering requirement or none at all
> high percentage of cashback
> high RTP
> tempting rewards from race or contest
> free coins for certain number of players
> bug bounty, if there's any