
Topic: Do you still believe in bounties and Cryptocurrency? - page 29. (Read 9400 times)

Activity: 131
Merit: 10
Justice as a Service Infrastructure
I do not trust in bounties any more. Also I can explain why. The reason is that the majority of projects in the market are created by swindlers and they pay nothing, and yield to invetor only losses.
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 100
I don't know If I still believing and still hoping for them because I still receive some small amount from participating in bounties if they continue to pay a small wage to their participants I don't think I will still participating on it because if that will happen your time will be wasted because you can do a huge hard work for nothing.
Activity: 336
Merit: 10
Yes! I still believe in crypto, we have experienced many strong falls of the crypto market in the past, but we always came back and became stronger. It's only a matter of time before the market recovers and new investors come to it.
jr. member
Activity: 188
Merit: 2
I believe in cryptocurrencies the problem is that some projects are unable to reach their cap and as such they don't pay bounties. That doesn't mean cryptocurrency is bad or bounty itself is bad.
Well, if the ico can not achieve its goal, then it means that they tried hard or met with difficulties that they were not ready for. I have seen many projects and all of them coped with any difficulties on their way.
jr. member
Activity: 243
Merit: 2
Yes go to the market, only those who lost all the money and the market does not give them big profits, but they are to blame for this, quick and easy money does not happen and the market that we all proven. Bounty campaign here is more complicated I don't know how profitable it is and how much people earn.
Activity: 266
Merit: 10
If I would not believe in the market of the cryptocurrencies (and Bounties as well) I would not deal with them. Still, when the cryptos are much cheaper than before, you can make very good money working hard.
jr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 6
Crypto is a technology that was created for use and produces many benefits. Bounty is a program that is part of crypto, which is used to bridge the crypto community with a team from the bounty to give a positive effect and become a program that is relied on by the community this time. Bounties are in the peak of popularity, the majority of crypto people rely on bounties as their mainland in making money and meeting their needs.
Activity: 79
Merit: 0
Everyone should have to believe in crypto, if they are dealing in crypto. Because without faith/believe no need to do work in any field and platform. Now days market is red still i totally believe in crypto as well as in bounties.
Should be not the that belief, and passion and desire to work in this sphere. Then you will always find out of any situation and behave like a virtuoso in this business.
copper member
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
Everyone should have to believe in crypto, if they are dealing in crypto. Because without faith/believe no need to do work in any field and platform. Now days market is red still i totally believe in crypto as well as in bounties.
full member
Activity: 616
Merit: 100
Yes, I believe and hope that in the near future everything will settle down and the market will again show a good result. But I do not give up and continue to work hard and face, making the generosity of different projects. It's the only source of income I have right now. So I don't have much choice either to do or not to do.
Activity: 798
Merit: 14
I believe in cryptocurrencies the problem is that some projects are unable to reach their cap and as such they don't pay bounties. That doesn't mean cryptocurrency is bad or bounty itself is bad.
jr. member
Activity: 222
Merit: 2
"Sponsy Tokensale is Hot!"
I am still confident and optimistic that bounty and cryptocurrencies are extraordinary in the future, especially the increasing user trend that makes me optimistic that crypto's future will continue to improve. Smiley Smiley
I am sure that in the future the cryptocurrency will be fixed. Because to stay afloat without the support of States is quite surprising. And I am sure that with support, the cryptocurrency will be able to reach the moon in terms of development.
Activity: 350
Merit: 10
Yet still dealing with the cryptocurrency companies and the bounty me brought it profit. The question is, how long will this opportunity last? How long before it stops?
jr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 1
There's alot of people move out from Cryptocurrency some are for their loses and without experience,some are doing for in bounty campaigns but still not get result so I want to know behalf of that reason I have mention is correct. What do you think?

The situation is not good, and this affects all interests in this industry. But one of the crypto motors is a new project, because all opportunities might begin with ico. So I think we have to keep supporting it, even though it is currently very difficult to choose a really good project.
sr. member
Activity: 812
Merit: 310
There are many cases experienced by people here. Before going into a program, first, mature the material. So that you can choose a program that is really good and has promising prospects in the future, so your efforts will not be disappointed and you will get satisfactory results in accordance with the roadmap created by the program. Because there are actually lots of good projects, but you have a hard time finding them because of the lack of knowledge you have mastered.
Activity: 308
Merit: 10
There's alot of people move out from Cryptocurrency some are for their loses and without experience,some are doing for in bounty campaigns but still not get result so I want to know behalf of that reason I have mention is correct. What do you think?

Well, yes I still believe. Maybe it's not easy for everyone, but the increase will definitely be corrected, and the crash must have a lower limit.
And the fastest way to restore the market is to believe and continue to support it.
Activity: 406
Merit: 11
Of course I still believe it, even though the crypto market conditions are currently down, and the current decline in the crypto market must have its limits, so that when the downward trend has run out the crypto market will soar again.
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
There's alot of people move out from Cryptocurrency some are for their loses and without experience,some are doing for in bounty campaigns but still not get result so I want to know behalf of that reason I have mention is correct. What do you think?

We don't have much choice, because if we leave at this time, of course it is a big loss. It really takes a strong mentality to see the market today, but I think that will differentiate between the losers and the winners in the future. I entered here with a long-term goal, so I have to keep believing and continuing to support it.
Activity: 275
Merit: 10
everyone should continue to believe in generosity and the crypto currency, because this is an easy way to earn finances that will help you in your needs. generosity does not take much time a day.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
For sure I strongly believe in bounties and Cryptocurrency. Because with a bounty one can get tokens with their work. And with Cryptocurrency people can invest there. Everyone is certainly diverse. Some believe and some don't believe. It all depends on each person
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