Are your parents investing in bitcoin ? Has it impacted your journey with crypto ?
Nope,. they arent that interested and they are close minded whenever you do mentioned into them about online stuffs and other potential investment. They are really that die hard
fans of those traditional investment like real estate or those physial real world business on which it isnt really that bad but knowing that there are other opportunities that could be found online
then it wont really be that something worth to test on. On the moment that they had that made out such rejection or showing no interest with Bitcoin or crypto investment then i didnt bother
myself on making some explaination to them but instead i do focus on my own and make money on my own.
It might really that sounds too selfish but this is how things works on which if you dont find yourself that being that wise on dealing up with things whether traditional or online opprotunities
then you wont be finding yourself on having that kind of success. We would really be diving any money making opportunities and this is whats important. There are really just that
people who are really that closing up their minds into those new opportunities on which they arent wary that it is really indeed possible.