However I haven't seen a single coin come out in the last year that is actually used. By used I mean beyond buying up hordes of them, reselling them. You may as well be selling wireless extension cords, boxes of pure air, sandpaper toilet paper.
So many new coins with so many new promises, faster transaction times, the ability to add a message to the coin, NXT, Doge, Etherum, blah blah blah....
Yet we still don't see anyone implementing all the dozens of new coins coming out every month.
Go back to the very beginning, go back to the days of BTC and LTC and even those pioneers are still having a difficult time being adopted by e-retailers.
Litecoin has more hope than Doge ever will. It's about $20-22 per coin. At this point though people are too fixated on trying to get rich by pumping the newest coin out there, nobody ever stops to ask, "But what is the coin good for, what will it ever be good for?"
If Dogecoin proves anything its the value of community. No one can deny Dogecoin has become the currency of charity and tipping. Economically a currencies value is defined by its liquidity, and Litecoin just hasn't been able to keep up.