The Russian propaganda machine and its non-stop postings,
after 3 months of the shit, made me respond. I will admit,
truth can be subjective, and my portrayal of reality is heavily
Hey, my Khazarian friend, so you really are in Ukraine?
Watch for real estate in Odessa, some nice houses near Arkadia. They are really dropping in prices now. Many WEstern vultures are now salivating because all the values in Ukraine are now imploding and there will be bargain prices later on, & truly big money. That's how they make money, the Western vultures create these destabilizations using NGO's then their financial apparatus like the IMF come into the picture and orchestrate the fire sale of the now cheap properties to their vultures.
WE can also make money, they shouldn't have the monopoly. Hey, I cringe watching you make propaganda, it must really suck. I can't blame you if you vomit sometimes with what you're posting here, it's really corny and disgusting.
But I thought there will be a greater increase in the values in Odessa if the Novorussians enter Odessa. Know why? The real estate values in London & New York are skyrocketing because of the Russian money, but now they are back in Moscow because of the sanctions. These extra money are looking for investments and they will immediately swoop to Odessa when the Novorussian retake it. Our investments could rise 300%.
We'll just make an investment deal here. Look for depressed prices in Arkadia then just post them here, better than your corny propaganda. You can be the agent, you'll make more money than just being a troll.
We'll call the company Chazerai Properties.
See, I help trolls get rich.
Include Pagan, he must be sick now with his propaganda.
No i am in the good ole U S of A.
Real estate was never my thing, I think you commies mighta been right on that one,
that unrestrained property prices can cause problems, and that values should be regulated.
I am making BTC by placing weighted bets on the Ukrainian situation, from AutoMaidan to now.
So yes, I am already making money on the blood of a nation. Thats the difference between us-
you lie to the best of your ability, and I am honest to the best of mine. All deceptions aside-
yes, I do represent dark forces. The dark forces you fear. And you embrace me.