you seem to know how eastern europe love Russian after 50 years of communism Where do you live ?
Parts of the Eastern Europe hates Russia, especially those living in Poland, Baltics and Romania. But Russians enjoy good support in countries such as Bulgaria, Serbia and Macedonia. These countries are also in Eastern Europe.
Bulgaria is in EU and NATO, Serbia and Macedonia will change there mind when they will see the wealth gap between the pro-EU ex-URSS country become bigger. I agree it will not happen if the Latin state like Portugal, Spain, France continue to ruin the UE. But Russia has already problem with the Kalilingrad people that are tired to be more poor than there neigbor.
And when EU state will stop listening stupid ecologist and start produce there own energy Russia will have even bigger difficulty. The only threat to Europe is to get rid of all this fucking debt.
And thanks to bitcoin in the future it will be more and more complex and costly to control all the move of your population like Russia and China want to do
LOL, the problem is that it will be almost impossible to get rid of that debt because it has already poisoned the system. THis is a big topic & a big literature is available in most credible forums (outside the polluted mainstream propaganda milieu) which basically support the conclusion that the current financial difficulty of the US & EU are in its terminal stages, leading it to be eclipsed by new wannabes from the East. But that doesn't concern us now beside noting that wishful thinking will not inflate away the debts. Despite the propaganda that they are already stabilizing, the US & EU are still declining as proved now by belated released figures.
Where do I live? That's irrelevant. You seem to give credence too much to what the Post-Communists states think- they are irrelevant, they really don't count in the essential equation. they are only used in propaganda because they are the only ones easily fooled by the US imperial propaganda scriptwriters (also available fodders for war later because they are in the frontlines so they will be the Hiroshima & Nagasaki for the nuclear bombs of WWW3). Meaning, the major EU players like Germany, France, Austria, UK, etc (the original rich ones) have other ideas that's why the much-ballyhoed sanctions failed. Are they willing to sacrifice just so the American stupid script for Ukraine prevail over the 3,000 German companies in Germany that are earning money in Russia? Why should Austria sacrifice its cheap gas for Ukraine; why should Italy sacrifice the many Russian tourists & Armani sales to Russia (Russia is the biggest luxur ymarket in Europe)? So the Europeans are being made to sacrifice so that the US can push its capricious politics over them' The fact that they haven't done much sanctioning showed they were reluctant to do the sacrifices. Why should they anyway? Well they should because they are actually vassals of the American Empire. But the fact that they are hesitant means they want to be free. Putin is helping them to be free. Thanks to the foreplays now being executed deftly by Putin, Putin will liberate them from their vassalage shortly.